Last week when I was sick I missed the giveaway. So for last week and this week I have

Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
7 Things I plan to do before I die (not in any particular order):
7 Things I can't do:
7 Things that I say most often:
7 Celebrities that I admire:
7 Favorite Foods:
7 People who need to do this
All of the party guests should do this!!! I know several of you have already been tagged so everyone else should join in!!!
Jake (my future son-in-law) and Mallory doing the tough stand
or as Mallory calls it the looking like you have to poop stand.
I know, she's so ladylike! She's just like her father!
I love pictures of Earl from the back
when he's with the kids.
He's always explaining things to them.
He's trying to teach Jace about football.
Lexie and Ezie after the game
To all of my SWAP partners I do have your stuff ready I just can't get up to get it out. I'm sorry and I'll try to get it out tomorrow. The same with the giveaways. I haven't forgot you guys!!
Cathy UnSchools her two kids, Alexander and Sophia. I'll admit, at first I wasn't sure she was doing the right thing by not sending the kids to school, but she has done an amazing job. Alexander and Sophia are learning, but at there own pace and learning about the things that they are interested in learning about. You'll have to read more on her blog and the blog Wild Indigo Life Learners. It is a great way of teaching if it is right for you and your family.
Cathy was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis a little over four years ago. She has taken a very brave step in getting off all her medications and healing herself with a Gluten free diet, Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Orthobionomy, Diffusion and Metaphysics. Cathy has a wonderful husband and kids who are very positive and encouraging of her and what she is doing. To find out more on these subjects click here to go directly to the page where Cathy talks about it. I'm so proud of her and after seven long months of no meds Cathy has been pain free for a whole month now. Yay!!!
Cathy is 40 now and she has decided to let her hair go it's natural color and to quit coloring it. In this day and age I think that is a brave thing for a woman to do. It's one of those double standards. Men look distinguished and handsome with gray hair and women look old. Yes, I still do color my hair, but I think that aging is a beautiful thing. I can remember looking at the age marks on my Granny and Grandma's hands and thinking they were so beautiful. I remember their skin getting thin and thinking that was beautiful too. I would think about all the wonderful things those hands had created and worked hard to get that way.
One of the other things that Cathy has started and I love it is a post on the Simplest Things in Life. It is a wonderful way to remember how just the tiniest things in our lives can be so meaningful and bring us joy.
So if you haven't visited Cathy's blog you should definitely go and visit her. She is a smart and amazing woman and a wonderful sister! She has a very positive attitude regarding life and is a real inspiration to me! I am so proud of her!!
I realized one day in late July that I was getting old by little things that were happening in my day to day today's Small Talk is to share the things that make you realize that your getting old too. Surely I'm not alone in this?!?!?!
I really got to thinking about it while I was at my kids baseball trophy day. I was sitting on the bleachers with my 17 year old daughter Alexis watching all the kids on the field. One of the coaches, he's in his early to mid thirties and not to bad looking, got his shirt wet or something. Anyway he took his shirt off and my daughter says, "Oh Gross!! Put your shirt back on!" I'm sitting there thinking, "HHhhhmmm, you should put your shirt back on, but not bad, not bad at all!" I told my 17 year old daughter to just wait 25 years or so and "that" will look good to her too! She wasn't impressed on convinced!!
I realized I was getting old when I had my last baby 2 years ago and afterwards whenever my daughter Alexis and I would go shopping people assumed Jace was her baby. Look, I may have been to old to have another baby, but she was to young!
I realized I was getting old when my oldest son turned 30. Wasn't he just a baby yesterday?
I realized I was getting old when all the other mom's in my younger kids class were younger than my older kids and so were the teachers!
I realized I was getting old when my knees decided to quit bending. That was never suppose to happen to me!
I realized I was getting old when I discovered I wore "Mom" clothes. Mom clothes include elastic waist pants (okay, I understand that one) and panties that aren't thongs!
I realized I was getting old when a month ago my neighbor said she got made fun of for saying the word "stylin". I guess that's not "the" word for being stylish anymore???? Who knew??
I have so many more, but I can't wait to here some of yours!!
Also, Jean from would like me to post the following info. I have decided in my old age that if we don't help those in need, who's going too? I think that it's just our duty as people to help others out in their time of need. So here is the info Jean sent me:
Hurricane Ike Activation!
Dear friends. We need your help! We have received e-mails from a number of individuals and agencies. There is an immediate need for supplies, clothing and toiletries. Now that the storm has passed, we have networked with the Texas TERT Team Coordinator, Texas NENA and National NENA to confirm the need and start this very important activation.
Galveston, Orange and Beaumont areas have an intense need. This is for the many dispatchers that have been working since the hurricane. They are running out of fresh clothes and daily needs. We are only beginning to see what the losses are for these many 9-1-1 heroes since most have been working for days and have been unable to check their homes. Some are "waterlocked" and can't leave their centers until roads and utilities are safe.
Here is the plan! Please collect the following items:
Clothes of any sizes (read important note below)
New shoes and boots (no used please)
Socks (new)
Toiletries (soaps, lotion, shampoo, combs, baby powder)
Feminine Products
Baby Wipes (used for quick cleaning since showers and baths are impossible)
Paper products ( toilet paper, tissues, paper towels)
Purel or other sanitizing hand cleaner
Food items (things that can be easily heated or microwaved)
Snack/Candy (anything that won't melt in hot/humid temps)
Things to help time pass (magazines, puzzles, cards)
Imagine your own dispatch center. After three days of eating everything in the cabinets, what's left? Get things like ice tea mix, coffee, sugar, creamer, snack stuff, etc.
These dispatch centers are in evacuated areas of Texas but they have stayed behind for rescue and security of their communities. They can't just send someone to a FEMA shelter to get stuff, those shelters are hours away. If you are in driving distance from Houston , there is a need for cases of bottled water also. Contact us offline and we'll coordinate your offers for help.
At this time, we are not asking for money or gift cards. There isn't a mechanism to shop locally yet (everything is closed or damaged) and we don't have a list of specific needs other than what is listed above.
CLOTHING NOTE. We're all adults, so please take this in the spirit intended. During our Katrina Activation, we had amazing stuff donated. That being said, some people just sent whatever was in the musty attic. These agencies have NO fresh water, no washing machines, no dryers, etc. PLEASE wash EVERYTHING you send! Let them open a " Downey fresh" box from you, not a nightmare :)
Put everything in the box.
Write the contents on one side. You don't have to be specific. Just write clothes, snacks, magazines or whatever you send. Address it.
Thanks to Lisa Dodson at Harris County 9-1-1 we have a secure location to send it to! Add Harris to your hero list, they have stepped up to be the base camp for donations that will be distributed to all affected areas. Mail or UPS to:
Harris County Communications Division
Attn; 911 CARES
1301 Franklin Street
Houston, TX 77002
If you have questions, Houston has agreed to be the Texas contact point. PLEASE call only if you need to. They are still very busy and we don't want to overwhelm them with calls.
UPS,FedEx and US Postal are all working to get boxes where they need to go. There are shipping updates daily as trucks can get there. We will post daily updates this week at (scroll below the yellow ACTIVATION STRIPE for the most current info)
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