I crocheted around two laminated cowgirl pictures making little ornaments out of them. I also sent her some of my version of homemade "Emeril's Baby Bam" I added cayenne pepper, rosemary and some extra garlic. It is in the bottle that the cayenne came in but I sent Tina the recipe that I used. I hope she likes it!
This is what I sent to my 3 swap partners and Emily for hosting the Itty Bitty Swap. I don't think they've received them yet, but I hope when they do when they enjoy there little treasures!I made some little tiny yo-yo's and crocheted flowers. Each of the tins has a crocheted flower attached to the top. Then there is a bunch of other found treasures.
Okay, that's enough of that. I did a ton of dishes yesterday, some laundry, made a new batch of laundry soap and I weeded my little garden yesterday. I finally have some rose moss coming up. I planted a few plants of it a couple of years ago and boy, oh boy, did it ever take off! My Grandpa used to plant rose moss every year. He actually used to mix the pollen?? whatever you mix together to make your own unique version of the plant. He was such a wonderful man and fantastic Gardener. I love to plant some of the things that Grandpa used to plant.
I also made some more yo-yo's and crocheted some stuff. I had a pretty productive day! I tend to do more crafts than housework and I am determined to try to equal it out. My poor house has become pretty neglected and overwhelmed with craft stuff.
I also took Jace outside last night and he played with the Bubble Machine. My daughter brought Anthony out too. The boys had fun playing with the bubbles! Then after the kids finally went to bed Jace and I laid in bed and played Kiss, Kiss, Tickle, Tickle. He loves to play that and I do to I get to give him tons of kisses and here him crack up laughing. I had a really nice day!
School's Out For Summer!!
Ezie and Mallory are finally going to be out of school today! They have a half a day today and then they're done for a couple months. Actually, Mallory is probably going to go to summer school because SHE wants to prepare herself for third grade. She is already testing at a high 7th grader in reading. I'm so proud of her!! Ezie needs the summer to relax, he says. He's not nearly as motivated as Mallory is, but he does very well in school too. Lexie got out of school on the 16th so she's already been enjoying her break and quite honestly I've enjoyed her being home to take care of Anthony. It gives me a little bit of a break. The kids started going to The Boys and Girls Club in the evenings so they can get out of the house and play with some of their school friends. They went to wood shop last night and loved it!!
Well, hopefully I have another productive day today!! I'm sure going to try! I hope all of you have a wonderful day today too!!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh! I adore those little parasol girl cards and the little yarn yoyo!!!!!! Could we do a trade for something I make? All of your goodies are just beautiful and I remember reading that you were having insecurities about your swap items! What the heck?????Melinda
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