Cathy also talks about the decision to let her hair go gray. Not a thing that to many of us woman choose to do or that society "approves" of. I admire the fact that Cathy has chosen to just be herself!!
The other important subject that Cathy talks about is unschooling. She unschools her two kids, Alexander and Sophia. Unschooling is a relatively new form of schooling and some of you might be interested in finding out more about it.
Another new Blog that I like, Little Cotton Aprons, is by another Kathie. Kathie's blog is sweet and she is interested in sewing and swapping. I love her banner with the aprons on it. She just starting her blog but so far I love it!!
Now for a couple of My Favorite Etsy Shops. Check out Michelle's Etsy Shop Luckychelle Boutique. Michelle has the nicest scrapbook embellishments and handmade scrapbooks. Right now all of her Etsy money will be going to help her and her husband to adopt a baby. Michelle has a great blog too, Hello Cupcake. Check it out!! Here's a few photo's I borrowed from Michelle's Etsy Shop to show you some of her stuff.

Felt Posies -- So cool!

Chipboard Scrapbook

Another one of my favorite Etsy shops is A Very Mary Design. Mary Ann has some wonderful collages, the cutest tags and some aprons. Great stuff!! I love it and I bet you will to! Here's some photo's I borrowed from Mary Ann'e Etsy Shop to show you. Beautiful, huh??!!

I love this ladies and the colors are so bright and fun!!
Collage of three beautiful homes and there pink. Who could ask for more!
Sherry- I'm so glad that you signed up for my Kid's Summer Swap! We are going to have such fun!! Could you please let me know the ages of your children so that I can assign their partners? Feel free to e-mail me at :-)
Yay! Thanks so much Sherry for showing off my shop!!! You are the best!
Thanks for mentioning my blog. You inspired me to try my own. I love reading about you.
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