Lisa has a Monday challenge on her site appropriately called, "Make it Monday's". Every week she picks a theme and you are suppose to make anything you want using that theme. Today's theme is "Time Flies".
I've decided to try to do Lisa's challenge every week. We'll see how I do with that, but I'm going to try. So check out her site and enjoy!
I made some yo-yo's over the weekend. Yo-yo is a cool word, don't you think? I became fascinated over the weekend with this word while I was on A Very Mary Design's blog leaving a comment to win some fabric scraps. I was really tired and you had to think of what you would do with the scraps and who ever had the best idea won. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I thought of yo-yo's. Yo-yo, Yo-Yooo dude, Yo, hey yo, yo-yo. Oh well, I think it's a funny word. Sometimes I just get a little goofy, especially when I'm tired! It did inspire me to make some Yo-yo's though.
yo-yos. Yo-Yos. YO-YOS!!!!
All the best for your monday challenge :). I am going to check it out. May be I too can join in
These are awesome! I posted your summer swap stuff that I got on my blog! You are amazing and I adore everything! I felt totally spoiled, and If you even felt half as lucky as me, I did good! Thank you sooooo much.....I just love the bag especially! Melinda
In my ESL class last week, a couple of students were asking about yo-yo's. They kept saying it over and over and laughing. It seemed like just saying the word made them happy.
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