Finding red things in my house is a little harder than I thought it would be. These are the valance in our kitchen. Earl is a big hot pepper freak so I have 2 of each of these 3 bandanna's sewn together going across our kitchen window. They were a quick and easy curtain to make and they look kinda cute too!
Excellent choice of books Mallory! Thank you!
and finally this is what I received from Anna Chadwick for the Itty Bitty Swap. Thank you Anna for the Oodles of goodies. Yours will be in the mail tomorrow, I promise! Did you know that an Altoid tin can hold quite a bit of stuff? I was really surprised to see how much stuff they can hold.

Hi Sherry great 'red post'. It is sometimes hard to find something red.
Fabulous swap goodies!!
Wish I'd known about the pepper thing..could've sent you some Texas ones in with your swap...
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