I like the word yo-yo and actually pom-pom is pretty cute too! My sister, Cathy, teaches English as a Second Language in the evenings to adults. She said her students were asking her about yo-yo's the other day. Cathy said they'd say the word yo-yo and laugh, that just saying the word brought a smile to their faces. So, I guess I'm not so crazy after all!! Right??
What is everybody else making?? What word do you think is kinda funny or cute?
Well, it seems that since I live with children, the funny words are usually, "Poop" and other words such as this. For some reason though I like the word, "aluminum". Maybe I like it because Sophia can't ever say it right and the way she says it is so cute.
I love the colors you chose for the pom-pom. I've had to stop myself from making more. They are so fun but just how many do I need? I already have all my flip flops decorated.
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