My third son, Jesse, with Fatima, and their daughters, Vivianna and Olivia

My fourth son, Daniel, with Jordan and T.J. My son-in-law to be with his son Anthony

Earl with Chad and Jesse over Memorial weekend cooking
Earl gave my daughter in law Jenn away at her and Chad's wedding.
Earl and Mallory being Cabbage Heads on St. Patrick's Day. Earl always makes us a traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner, Corn beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots.
Earl has been the kids baseball coach for several years now. He will do cheers with Mallory, play cap guns with the boys, anything to have fun with the kids. Earl is the "fun" parent. Earl walks the kids in every morning to their classrooms and makes sure they are settled in and he always makes sure the kids have money to participate in the extra things at school.The grand kids all love him and call him their Papa. Earl has worked got jobs for the older boys and done lots of errands for them. He worked with my oldest son for a couple of years which wasn't always easy. I love Jeremy to death but he has some short term memory issues and he is very impulsive and not always an easy person to work with.
Thanks Earl for being such a great dad and Papa!!
Hi Sherry, sure sounds like Earl is a keeper!!
Such a great Dad and Papa.
So sweet! I know you are so proud of all of them!!!
My dad is like that too. TAking on 2 kids that arn't his by blood. It's amazing how their heart exept these children as their own even if they haven't known them their whole lives. Thank god for these great men!
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