Mallory 2004 - She was only 3
2005 - 4 years old

Ezie - 2004 - 6 years old
He broke his arm 2 days before recital and had to have surgery so he missed recital , but he sure looked cute for his pictures!

2006 - 5 & 7 years old

Ezie and Mallory 2007 - 6 & 8 years old

Ezie & Mallory in three different dances this year, 2008. 7 & 9 years old.
Mallory is being a little dramatic - she is into posing this year!! Ezie just wanted to get it over with so he could get home and play.

This was
Ezie's last year to dance. He wasn't really into it this year. Mallory received her 5 year trophy and can't wait for next year to start. She loves to dance. They were both asked to be on the competition team, but it costs a lot of money and it takes a lot of time. Mallory still wants to play baseball,
cheerlead, and learn to play basketball. So she will continue in regular dance classes and we will keep going to the recitals and loving every minute of our beautiful little dancer!
Sherry, Oh my what very beautiful children! I bet you are so proud of them. Blessings ~Mary~ :-}
Isn't it great watching our kids do what they love. Thanks for sharing this information about your kids. --Stacey
These pictures are so cute! I'm getting ready to put my 2 year old daughter in dance. Do you think it's worth all of the money for the outfits and such? I'm sure it will be worth it if she loves it.
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