- Water and Peeing: I really don't like the taste of water so drinking 6 glasses a day was a challenge for the first 5-6 days. I'm doing better now by adding tons of ice to my water. I love ice! I do have to remind myself to drink though. I've never been one to drink a lot of fluids during the day. Peeing: I hate to stop what I'm doing to go pee........another reason I don't like to drink a lot of water and I've been doing a lot of peeing lately! I've carried 8 children and my bladder just isn't what it used to be. To much info, I know, but it's true!
- Boobs: I love being a woman so don't get me wrong, but boobs can definitely be an annoyance! I was jump roping with the kids and bounce, bounce, bounce. When you run what happens? Bounce, bounce, bounce. Maybe I need a better bra? I don't know, maybe as I loose weight and the boobs start to disappear I'll like them better!
- Walking: I hate the idea of stopping what I'm doing to take a walk, but once I start I'm really glad I did and feel much better afterwards. I also realized that if your taking a serious walk don't wear flip-flops! I also realized that taking walks provides some great quality time with the kids.
- Cravings: I realize that I don't really crave things unless I tell myself I can't have something and then I can't quit thinking about the forbidden item. So I guess I won't tell myself I can't have something, I'll just have less of that something!
- Bloggers: Bloggers are great friends and very supportive! What a lucky world we live in that we can have friends all over the world to help us in our trials and share our joys with us! Thanks everyone for your support and Thank you Val for your daily notes to me to keep me going!
- Neti Pot: I think that using the Neti Pot has not only helped my sinus problem but it is helping the area around my eyes not to be so puffy and I'm not nearly as tired. The water and walking could be helping with the fatigue too, but I think getting the pressure off of my face helps a lot! I really noticed it when I skipped a day of using the Neti Pot.
- Hope: I am feeling better about myself this week and hope this continues. My sister Cathy has been wonderful about keeping me laughing with her encouraging comments and Jeremy did take a picture of me jump roping last night Cathy.......but I'm not quite ready to show the world that photo yet!
- Bonus Item: Even though I'm overweight, 47 years old and a Nana to 9 grand kids I can still "jump in and jump out" on the jump rope and get through the Cinderella song and 25 jumps after that. I surprised my kids and grand daughter with that one (and my poor heart)!!
Okay, that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to think of 7 things about myself to tell all of you. Whew! Now to put 7 other bloggers on the spot, I mean pass this award on to 7 other bloggers:
- Valerie from Life's Little Garden
- Twyla from Two Crazy Crafter's
- Denise from Polka Dot Moon
- Gillian from I Heart Crafts
- Valerie from Queens Chocolate
- Lindsay from The Cross Stitch House
- Cathy from The Life and Adventures of Cateepoo
I'm off to do some yard work before it starts storming and then to do some more sewing. I love not babysitting because I can actually go into my sewing room now and get some sewing done! Yay! Tomorrow I'm going to post the projects I finished up over the weekend.
Have a great day!
Thank you, Sherry, for putting me on the spot this way! I will display the award proudly. I am so PROUD of you for the work you are doing to improve your life and lead a healthier lifestyle. You are very brave to open up about it on your blog and you know that we all wish you the best! Twyla
Hi Sherry
Thanks for the award. I enjoyed reading your 7 things. 1 & 2 made me laugh. I will post mine soon.
Hope you are having a good week. Keep up the good work with your weight loss plan. You are doing great.
You have become a neti pot addict! Well, it could be worse.
Maybe you can use the jump rope photo as your before and after picture. :)
love the info about you......thanks for sharing the ifo about the Neti Pot. Our pediatrician advised us to get one but I never did......now I probably will!
I am still giggling at some of your7 items - thank you for nominating me and I will get to work on that.
Hey there! Thanks for the meme award! I'll post about it this week! G
You are so funny. Thanks for nominating me. I will try to do this in the next couple of days. Mine will not be as funny as yours though! Thanks again.
as always, we think a lot....did you read my postabout "the boobies?" I am so proud of you working so hard to get yourself feeling better...Walking makes all the difference in the world and I know you can do it, if I can.....three sizes down since the third week of april.....good for you!!!!
I don't mind drinking water. How about a twist of lemon or orange? I prefer Dasani over almost anything, but I'll take what's on sale.
I need to get or find my Neti Pot! My sinuses were awful today.
I think you should use a sports bra if you want to jump rope!
I think walking is underrated. Try different parks, etc with the kids. How about the zoo?
a great find for panda fanatic!
my roommate and i LOVE this Morn Creations bag
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