My next new thing that makes me so happy is a Neti Pot. I have had sinus problems for years now and have lived on generic Sudafed. I got chewed out at the Dr.'s office a couple of weeks ago for taking Sudafed for so long. A friend of mine from when I was 12, that I recently reconnected with on Facebook, told me to try a Neti Pot. Honestly at first I wasn't sure if he was talking about a kind of pot or a kind of pot (I was a little wild back then!) so I had to do a Google search to see what he was talking about. I started using this clever little device last Sunday and I love it. Although it is kind of a weird thing to put water in one nostril and watch it drain out the other it is a nice feeling to have your sinus cavities cleaned out. So far so good with this Neti Pot and my sinus problem. I bought this one at Wal-mart for $14.50 and it came with 100 packets of the salt mixture. Not a bad price.....it's like paying for 2 1/2 boxes of generic Sudafed.
So Thank You Earl for taking me out to eat and having some really yummy Mexican food and a big Thank You to Kevin for helping me out with my sinus problem!!
My husband is the opposite. He loves to go out to eat. Sometimes I wish we ate at home more. Now I will have to get my husband to try that sinus thing. He has terrible allergies and sinus problems.
Oh darn-I was just in Wally World too. Glad to know where to get one.
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