My second choice was Lance & Lacy. I loved their dance and totally understood the idea of them dancing barefoot. How did Judge Len not get it? I was impressed with Lance on that dance. 

My third choice was Maurice & Cheryl. I have always liked Cheryl and Maurice can definitely shake the dance floor.

My usual first choice moved down to fourth this week. I really enjoy Warren & Kym's dancing, but those shoes must of been really hurting Warren's feet last night because he just wasn't his usual dancing self. He's so darn cute though! For being such a big man he sure can dance. I hope he has comfortable shoes on next week!!

Cody & Edyta would have to be my next choice. I have never been a huge fan of Cody's, although he is doing much better and I'm sure it was hard to switch partners this far into the competition.

Finally, I think Susan will be the one to get booted off next. I like her but I just don't think she can let loose like the other celebrities. I would be the same way, if I could even dance a little bit, to stiff and try to hard.

So now we have to wait until Wednesday night to find out who stays and who goes. Do you watch Dancing with the Stars and who were your favorites??
Poor Susan looks so awkward! I think she's to go next. I missed half the dances.....poor Jillian is not herself lately. I think she's teething :|(
We'll have to see on Wednesday!
P.S. I was up before the birds this morning to get to the polls! I'm proudly wearing my "I Voted" sticker all day :)
What a beautiful post, Sherry! You found great pictures. I have to admit, Lance and Lacy blew me away Mon. night. I think Len needs to loosen up! Bye Bye Susan. Twyla
Gee! You were right on the money about Susan Lucci! I saw her go kiss her husband and his look alike son! Noticed Phillies pitcher Cole Hamels and his wife Heidi in the audience too-hmmmm.... I wonder?
I love this show whenever I see it, but I don't know the date/time! I need to DVR it... Any more thoughts on home schooling:) Lori
I am rooting for Lance and Lacey : )
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