I don't really have anything to post today. I didn't go to bed last night. I ran out of my medicine for my Restless Leg Syndrome and the couple of times that I did doze off I was immediately awakened with terrible pain and jerks in my legs. Earl rubbed them and put some deep heating rub on them, but it is just a temporary fix. He's so sweet to wake up and do that for me though. It is easier to just stay awake then feel the pain.
Anyways, I'm just doing my regular house stuff and working on some craft projects. My mom is going to try to sell some of my stuff at a conference she is attending in September. Aren't mom's great!!
I guess I have one thing that has been really bothering me the last couple of days. On Saturday, as the kids were getting ready to leave for their football game, Earl said someone had died in what he thought was one of Mallory's friends homes. They had the detectives and a coroner there. It is a 2 family home so I figured it wasn't Mallory's friends because Earl heard it was an older lady that died. Well, it was Mallory's friends mom. I guess the little girl found her mom dead in bed. I don't know if it was of natural causes or suicide?? I feel really bad for the little girl. I heard she was staying with friends. It was just her and her mom.
I feel really guilty though, because......
I really didn't like this lady very much. She is my age and dated my oldest son for about a month. She also taught the religion class that Mallory was in, volunteered in Mallory's class every Friday to do a craft with the class and volunteered for every PTA event. I know she sounds like a great person, and maybe she was, but she creeped me and to be honest most of the other parents too.
She lied, she manipulated and she got into every one's business. She became obsessive with my son and tried to use my neighbor and Mallory as a way to get to Jeremy. She would go tell parents that their kids were acting up in school when she was there on Fridays and said that she would teach them parenting skills. When the classroom teacher was confronted about the kids behavior she said everyone was fine and she was not to happy with this mom. I wrote a note to Mallory's teacher once because Mallory said this lady always called her a shrimp. It really bothered Mal so I just wrote a note asking if the teacher could talk to her about it. She told the teacher that her and I had been good friends for a long time and that she would talk to me about it. Well we weren't friends and she did talk to me about it. When I went to pick Mal up at religion this lady cornered me and told me a whole different story. Mallory heard what she was saying and when we left Mallory said, "Momma, she's lying. Why is she lying to you?" It really hurt Mallory's feelings that a grown up would lie like that.
Anyway, I feel really bad that she is dead. I hope she didn't commit suicide and if she did maybe I should have tried a little harder to be patient with her. I really try hard to get along with everyone and not to be judgemental, but you know how some people just rub you the wrong way? Well, as I am getting really sleepy and thinking way to much I can't get this lady out of my head.
Any advice????
Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
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Perhaps the best thing you can do right now is to reach out to her daughter in some way to let her know your family is thinking of her.
When someone dies, it is very natural to feel a bit guilty especially if we weren't close to that person for one reason or another.
Give it to God and let it go! I will be praying for all of you!
Oh my goodness. I feel terrible for the little girl!!! What a sad thing to happen to her at such a young age! My thoughts and prayers are def. with her!!!! Don't be too hard on yourself for not liking the lady! She rubbed you the wrong way, in quite a few ways it sounds, its understandable! But I can def. see how it gave you the creeps if she was after your oldest son and she is your age! I know easier said than done, just try and put her aside.... and try to have a good day! =]
oh my gosh sherry. what a bunch to swallow. i can't believe that she dated your son! did you kick him?! all i can say is wow, that lady. i wouldn't worry about it, maybe invite the daughter over when she is starting to recover...
I understand the mixed emotions of dealing with difficult people. It's normal to be repelled & disgusted by odd or bad behavior. Being related to a mental health therapist, & having to deal with some of the 'disorders' of family members & friends, I know from experience, that nothing you do can make things better. Sometimes it's just an 'illness', & all you can do is steer clear for safety, & deal with the aftermath. Relax, & let your concience be clear. This is a sad, sad thing. The daughter will need support now.
Sherry, you are such a wonderful, giving person. Don't be too hard on yourself. Not all people rub us the right way.
I hope the legs get to feeling better soon. I have a little bit of that before going to sleep. I do sympathize.
Love you lots!
It is a sad story, but not one you could have done anything about. People like that are so self centered that you could not have done anything to change the outcome. Just make sure Mallory is okay and sees what a loving mother is supposed to be. I know you are a great roll model for her. Twyla
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