Photo credit: Alexander Hassenstein/Bongarts/Getty Images)
Everyone else has probably already heard this story, but I am in a mainly PBS, Noggin, Disney Channel household and don't get to watch much news, so this story is new to me. The story of little Lin Hao. "Lin is a second-grader at the Yuzixi Primary School in Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan County. Wenchuan was the epicenter of a devastating 8.0-magnitude earthquake on May 12 that killed over 69,000 people."

The story goes something like when the earthquake happened Lin Hao was in his classroom with 30 other students. He kept the other children that survived singing song until rescuers could find them. He also helped 2 classmates to escape the rubble even though he was injured himself. When he was asked why he went back in after the other children he said something about it was his responsibility because he was the hall monitor that day. What a hero! How many adults would do the same thing as this little boy did? I think that Lin Hao is truly an inspiration to all of us and shows the world that we should all be so brave and giving of ourselves.
Good Luck to all the athletes and hopefully the spirit of the Olympics will be "One Worl One Dream"!
Totlly missed the opening ceremony but what a fantastic story about that little boy.
Many happy returns to your gorgeous little girl - such eyes!
Sherry- I missed the lighting of the cauldron!!:( I did see the rest of the ceremonies though and was amazed! I was crying when they showed footage of the earthquake... The little boy is amazing!:) Lori
The opening ceremony was awesome! My mom called to make sure we were watching it. : )
Too bad American tourists had to be hurt today.
We watched a lot of the Olympics at our house. We stayed up late to watch Michael Phelps get all 8 of his gold metals. That was so awesome. The opening ceremonies were amazing. That 2008 people could do that all together was unbelievable.
I hadn't heard the story of this little boy, but I am so impressed. He is a great hall monitor for sure.
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