My Great Grandfather is in the middle, David Elmer Wescott
I really enjoy finding out about where I came from and the people who are responsible for my being here today. I have come across some dead ends in a few of my relatives and in others I can go back to the 1600's. It amazes me how through census, cemetery and church records you can find out so much history. I have the original of the below photo but I found the same picture on one of my Great Granfather's brother's family's web page. When I found that web page I found more information on that side of the family. It's like a puzzle.

My Great Great Grandparents on my Dads side: Mary and Ethelbert Thompson
I haven't done much research in the last year, but I think I have been bitten by the Genealogy bug again. Thanks Doug for reinspiring me to begin my research again!

This is a copy of the ship's ledger when my Great Grandfather, Otto Bluethman.
Otto came to the U.S. from Germany in the late 1800's. I can't find any more about his family before that though. It's harder to find the information when your ancestors came from over seas, but maybe someday a distant relative will find me through the wonderful world of cyberspace!
Sherry- How exciting! It's amazing how the internet can make the world seem just a little bit smaller.:-) I love your old pictures.... Lori
Wow that's fantastic and what wonderful photos. Even if they're not of relatives I find old snaps like that fascinating. So exciting to have already found so many of your relatives!
Sherry that is awesome! I have always wondered about my family history but I can only trace my dad side since my mom was adopted and her birth mom was adopted also.. haha It is neat that someone has found you through your blog! hugs
That's amazing that you have these incredible pictures and ledgers from your actual family. Thank you so much for sending some dance stuff. She's starting in Sept so this is perfect timing. She's ALWAYS bringing me her princess dresses and tutus so I'm sure she's going to wear them as everyday attire :)
You won't believe this but my mom just sent me the exact same photo of Wescott men! David Elmer Wescott was my great grandfather as well. My grandfather was David Elmer Wescott. I'd love to connect with you to share geneaology info!
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