Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
Friday, February 27, 2009
"Only the Good Friday"
The CAP program is designed to help "at risk" students to stay in school and get their High School diploma. Lexie was placed in the CAP program in her second year of the 9th grade and she has made some amazing changes! When you are in the CAP program you basically have the same teachers and classmates all through high school. I feel there is consistency, a level of trust, and a comfort zone in doing this. The students and teachers all know each other and know what to expect out of each other. Lexi says some of the other teachers in the school look down on the "CAP Kids" thinking they are trying to get away with stuff and get special treatment. It is not special treatment that these kids are getting, but they are getting their education in the way that they are able to learn. Unfortunately, not all teachers are like Mr. Weinlein and realize that not all kids learn in the same way, that there are alternative methods to teaching and to learning.
Mr. Weinlein has gone beyond being a teacher though to Lexie, as well as her boyfriend Jake. Jake graduated almost 2 years ago from the same CAP program. Mr. Weinlein has brought Lexi clothes for her son Anthony and even attended his birthday party last year. His kids know who Lexie and Jake are too. He has become a friend as well as a teacher to both of them. They both him and his opinions. I really thank Mr. Weinlein for working with not only Lexie, but all of his students who otherwise would have fallen through the cracks and probably dropped out.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
3 Year Olds are so Darn Cute!
I just wanted to share this because I thought it was cute
(Not the fish sticks)
Last night for Ash Wednesday dinner we had shrimp, fish sticks, steamed broccoli and baked potatoes. I ask Jace if he wanted any potato and he said no, he only wanted broccoli. So, he got fish sticks and broccoli. I put an unwrapped baked potato on Earl's plate because he is kind of weird and doesn't like any toppings on his potato. So we're all sitting there eating dinner and talking when Jace looks over at Earl and ask him in the most sincere voice, "Daddy, are you going to eat your rock?" It was the cutest thing! So I ask him what all we were having for dinner and he looks around and says, "tree's, sticks and rocks". I just love the imagination and innocence of kids! I don't know what I'm going to make tonight that will compare to tree's, sticks and rocks?!?!?
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments yesterday. I think I was caught so off guard by this persons abruptness and attitude towards me that my shock led to me to being, unfortunately, very emotional. I tend to do this and once I start to cry it's an all day thing. I'm okay now though......but .....I still think mean people suck though!
I did just receive an apology from this person and all is forgiven!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Why are Some People So Mean?

Well, I did that today and I really think that MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!!!! Why do some people have to take one little thing and rip you apart for it? I know I am letting this matter bother me way to much (I've been crying for over an hour now) and that the mean person would probably get nothing but pure joy out of knowing that they totally ruined my day, but thats how I am..........overly sensitive.
Anyway, I just wanted to share with everyone that I really think that MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!!!!
Has anyone else experienced this? How do you handle it?
The person that was mean to me did email me, a very much appreciated, apology today 2/26/09. That meant a lot to me!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Who's Learning More Here? Me or the Kids?
So, who learned more over the last few days?
- I learned that math comes to Ezie so easy and not so easily to Mallory.
- I learned that Ezie, although very quiet, is a very good reader.
- I learned that Mallory and Ezie work together to figure out the words that they don't know.
- I learned that Jace loves to do everything that Ezie and Mallory do.
- I learned that the kids love for me to spend time with them.
- I learned that they don't really like to be on the computer unless there with a me or each other.
- I learned that they are learning everyday even without me sitting down and being "a teacher" to them.
- I also learned that Hulk Hogan, as confident an obnoxious as he seems, really doubts himself sometimes. Who new?
We have done crafts, watched movies and discussed them, talked about racism and prejudice, talked about history, cuddled a lot more, cooked together, worked together on taking care of Jace and Anthony, started each of the kids a Facebook page, done some cleaning and organizing, and just spent some quality time together.
Tonight I was reading a new blog/site that I discovered a couple of weeks ago called the Insightful Nana. Kathy Griffiths has all kinds of tips and advice on family, cooking, home and garden, and fun things. Today she reminded her readers of the movie Dead Poet's Society with Robin Williams playing the role of an English teacher, John Keating.

I saw part of this movie several years ago and always liked it, but never remembered how much I liked it. Kathy reminded us of how Keatings got on top of his desk and encouraged his students to "Look at the World Differently". By standing on his desk he did see the world from a different view. I think that unschooling is making me look at my own kids from a different view and that they are beginning to look at learning from a different view.

Now if I haven't lost you, Kathy, the Insightful Nana, has a video on her site called If the World had a 100 People In It by John Chow. It is a wonderful little video that shows a different view of the world. It is worth watching!
The Insightful Nana is also encouraging that starting on Friday bloggers tell about people who are making a difference in their families, neighborhoods and communities. She is calling this "Only the Good Friday". It is a way to spread the Goodness and pass it on. If you would like to join in be sure and go to Kathy's site and add your name to her list by leaving a comment. My sister Cathy does something similiar to this every week on her blog. Cathy writes down the things in her life that are special to her that we normally take for granted. Cathy also has some wonderful insight, like Kathy Griffiths on life in general. Sometimes I forget what a wonderful and super duper smart sister I have!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sewing Lessons and Fun Times!
Friday, February 20, 2009
American Idol and American Girl

I really like Alexis Grace who was one of the 3 chosen on Wednesday night to be in the final 12. She seems very sweet and has an amazing voice and stage presence.
I definitely am going to have to make Addy a modern outfit to go with her hat. The 1860's style dress doesn't exactly match the hat, but Mallory was loving it!
Have a great day! I'm going to get off my tushy and do some organizing in the house today. I can't even get into my craft room because there is so much fabric, yarn, paper, and not junk, but important craft supplies.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Feel Kinda Boring Lately
Here are some flower pins I've been working on to put in my Etsy shop. I'm also working on some little chickens for Easter.
Mallory got an Historical American Girl doll from my mom last week. Mallory wanted Addy. Addy was born a slave and her story is about escaping through the Underground Railroad to be free. Mallory LOVES Addy! Thanks Mom! Mallory read the book that came with Addy and cried over how she was treated by her owner. Mallory crawled up next to me on the coach and just sobbed and sobbed. I love her compassion! This weekend we're going to make some cornmeal mush and salt pork to see what Addy's food was like.
If anyone has any American Girl doll clothes patterns or books that they would like to part with I would be interested in buying them. I want to make a couple of outfits for her and I think Earl is going to try to make her a bed.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Fabric I Won and Cute Pics

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentines Box Dinner

A Valentines Memory for me was when I was in 3rd grade or so the Girl Scout group that I was in had a Father/Daughter Box Dinner at Valentines. I remember working on my Valentines Box to put the dinner that my Mom made for us. Mom made her famous fried chicken (my favorite thing Mom made!!) to put in the box so Daddy and I could go to the school and have our dinner. I remember it being a very special night and a great memory. Thanks Mom & Dad!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Congratulations Lisa!!

Lisa made this bottle out of one of her 6 1/2 year old daughters insulin bottles after she was dx with having Type 1 Diabetes a year ago. I think it is such a beautiful way to make something good out of something not so good. To read more about Bottles of Hope and Lisa be sure and visit her blog, Letters and Lace.
Congratulations Lisa!!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My OWOH Winners are...........
So Ezie picked #2 which is Eileen from Art Slaves and Mallory picked #18 which happens to be the sweet Lindsay-ann from The Cross Stitch House.
Thanks to all who entered! I haven't really had time to visit many of the over 900 bloggers who participated in OWOH so over the next several weeks I hope to go blog hopping and see some of the cool blogs.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Valentines Swap & A New Swap
I just signed up for Lori's "For the Love of Birds Swap". You are suppose to swap bird nests, bird houses, little birdies, anything that has to do with birds. I'm excited to get some new bird things. What a wonderful idea to help bring in spring!
This is a birds nest a bought from Funky Shique's Etsy Shop last year. I think it's so pretty! I'm thinking Springy thoughts!!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
I Made This Today
Sunday, February 8, 2009

I haven't attached the felt or buttons on these and my loose threads aren't woven in yet.
Anyway, these are some of the Valentines that I've been working on over the last couple of weeks.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Vintage Valentines Swap & Congrats to Melinda
Melinda doesn't use patterns, which really impresses me!! She uses a combination of paper and fabric in her artwork. Check out the detail of the ladies face on this apron.
Congratulations to you Melinda!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Great International Stash Busting Giveaway
Katy, from I'm a Ginger Monkey is hosting an International Stash Busting Giveaway. I must admit I have a little bit of fabric stashed away. There is a list below of the other participants and a picture of what I have decided that I could live without. Do you know how hard it is to part with a piece of fabric?? I have some fabric that I know I will never use but I love to just take it out every once in awhile and gaze at it. Does anyone else do this? Surely it's not just me with this crazy obsession with fabric. Anyway, here is the list of participants, so go and check out there blogs and enter to win their giveaways.
I 3 different sets. There is a yard of each of the first 3 fabrics that could go together for a project, then there is a yard of the blue with sunfloweres and a fat quarter of the yellow for another little project and then 20 5x5 squares of the each of the iris prints.
1/4 of an inch
2 Fun 4 U
A Tiny House
a very mary design
Adventures of a Fabric Junky
AJ's Antics
Anna Yama
Another Dilettante
blog memories
By a Thread
Citrus Daisy
Debbe Sunshine
Diary Of An Unconscious Mind
domestic anarchy
dotty cookie
Fairbanks Fancy Goods
finding Jimmy Macinko
Go Lani Go
hmm designs
if I could set my soul free
Im A Ginger Monkey
Justin and Nichole
Kylie's Stitch and Sew
life and times of Jill
making memories
millions of thoughts trapped in my head
Modern Jax
Mrs Schmenkman Quilts
Nini Makes
one big adventure
Patchwork Of Mini Grey
Piecemeal Quilts
Puggle Logic
purple paisley patch
Quilting on the Run
Quilty Gal
sago on tuesdays
Sampaguita Quilts
Selina's Vintage
sew funky
stamp gram
Summer Sadie
Three Kitchen Fairies
Tiny White Daisies
what I do beside work
Zakka Art
Enjoy yourselves and have fun meeting some new friends!

I had to show off a new picture of my newest grandson, Chad, Jr.
and his beautiful momma, Jenn.
He's about 13 days old an weighs 10lbs. 4 oz.
Monday, February 2, 2009
We are an Unschooling Family as of Today!
Mallory is very interested in learning about Black History and The Underground Railroad so I bought a couple of movies, Sounder and Race to Freedom: The Story of the Underground Railroad. We'll be doing some stuff on this topic and Ezie wants to find out how a huge ship can be steered by the one little wheel that the captain moves around. That should be interesting too!
Jace is going to love having the kids home all the time now. He learns so much from them. The kids are great at playing with him and Mallory is a born teacher. Jace's language improves so much everyday and he is getting more and more social. He isn't nearly as shy and withdrawn as he used to be.
Today, we are going to learn organizational skills and start unpacking and organizing the tons of stuff we moved over the weekend (we're finally done moving!!! Yay!!). This will be an on going project because, I kid you not, there is literally a ton of junk to go through. We are working towards organizing for a big garage sale this summer. The kids are going to help sort, price and sale stuff and then donate what doesn't sale. They are excited about the whole thing.
So I think our new adventure will be great for all of us! It will definitely be a learning experience for me as well as the kids and a great chance for all of us to reconnect as a family.
My DIL made this up using the pictures of my 5 oldest boys. So funny!
All 8 of my kids

My 6 Grandkids

Me, Earl, My daughter-in-laws, son-in-law, kids & grandkids

The Whole Family
Use This Calculator and the Math Problem to Find Your Birthday
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On what day of the week were you born?
Enter your birthday
(then hit the "Update" button):This free script provided by
Well, here I am - this is me, Sherry
Valentines Swap- video made by Graham Neale from Kirkcaldy, Scotland
In Your Eyes-- Only Sadness by Abby Kaplan
Let's Give Each Other a Make Over! Click on Me & I'll Take you There!
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Want to take another quick quiz and find out where your spirit is craving to take you?
My spirit is craving to take me here - a quiet tranquil place!

I would love to get away and just find me. Find my artistic side and just be able to let my spirit go!
Personality Test
You Are 9: The Peacemaker |
![]() |