Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
Friday, October 31, 2008
Etsy for Charity
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saucy's Zombie Jar Swap
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I've been Boo'd!
My List for Priscila's Vintage Stocking Swap

What do you collect: vintage patterns, lace, buttons, head vases, planters, hankies, angels, vintage elves. I love vintage and shabby chic!!
What inspires you: seeing other people's creatitivity
Favorite pastime: crafting, spending time with Earl and the kids.
Whats one of your favorite vintage pieces in your home: I have a really unusual stand that my Grandpa made when he was young and gave it to me and the dolls that my Grandma crochet little dresses for when she was young.
What decoration or christmas item would you love to have: Anything, I love just about anything!!
What vintage piece would you love to have: I love vintage head vases and planters. I started collecting those little vintage elves.
Favorite Goodie or hot drink: I love coffee and flavored hot chocolates.
Any family tradition: The kids and I usually make Baby Bam, Instant Hot Chocolate Mix, chocolate covered pretzels and Spice Tea together and then bottle them up and ship them to our relatives and give them as gifts to teachers and other people.
Greatest Christmas Memory: Going to midnight Mass as a family, spending time with family and seeing the kids faces on Christmas morning.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fall Swap
Monday, October 27, 2008
Am I Expecting To Much??
The kids have to catch a ride to and from practice because Earl is working and I don't have a car. Yesterday the kids had a football game and we were in the same situation. I really do appreciate that this one family and the coach take the kids to and from practice and then to the game yesterday. I really do appreciate it, BUT, I am really irritated with these people. Here's why, and tell me if I'm wrong.
Mallory came home one night and says that she smokes. Of course, she got my immediate attention with that one. She said that on the way to practice the dad, who is in his 40's, smokes in the van and there fore she smokes too. Whew, what a relief, but at the same time I am really irritated that this man is smoking in a car with my kids in it. Isn't it common knowledge that second hand smoke is bad for you??? I do realize that this family is doing me a favor but at the same time he has someone else's kids in the car and he should refrain from smoking. I mean it's only a 5-7 minute drive to the High School. He can't have a cigerette before they leave??? I haven't said anything because I guess the dad doesn't usually go with them.

We try really hard to teach our kids good values and cussing is not one of the things I want my kids to learn. I admit that I occasionally will say something that I shouldn't and Earl definitely has a potty mouth. I am always on him about talking in front of the kids like that and he does try not to or apologizes if them does (not that it makes it right). Earl's was brought up with a large amount of cussing in the household. I wasn't. My parents would occasionally say something like s!#t or damn it, but that was about the extent of the cussing in our household.

My point is, I think that parents should not smoke, cuss, play music with explicit lyrics and/or disrespect people of authority in front of other people's kids.....even if they are doing you a favor by providing a ride. I also think that if a child is spending the night with another child that the parents should not allow the kids to watch R rated movies or play the M rated video games. I think the parents should refrain from looking at things like porn on the computer when their child has a friend over. I don't think they should be doing it in front of their own kids, but that's not for me to say. All of these things have happened to my kids and it really makes me mad!!!!
I am so tired of my kids coming home from school and saying that someone called them a fag or someone said "F!@k you" to them on the bus. I am tired of people calling them wiggers because they have black friends. I am by no means claiming that I or my kids are perfect, but, What are people teaching their kids???? Obviously, not the same things that I am teaching mine!
Mallory asked me if I would home school her when we move in a couple of months. I am seriously thinking about it even though the thought of it scares me to death. It really scares me though as to what my kids are learning when their at school!

Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Halloween Party and the Zombie Jar Reveal
"Today is reveal day! I wasn't sure about mine either, but it's what the artists puts into it that matters! I like it and I'm not blowing sunshine up the patootey *haha*."
So here's my Zombie Jar
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?

In our town I honestly think that if these values were not taught by the Elementary School a huge percent of the kids would never be exposed to them. These values are things that we have instilled in our kids since they were just little toddlers. I am huge on please and thank you's, respecting others feeling and things, treating others as you would like for them to treat you, and so on. Unfortunately, most of the people in this town cuss and fight with other people in front of their kids. Show disrespect to other people, the police and to their own kids. The only reason we live in this town is because it has very cheap housing, but we definitely have been paying the price. Hopefully we will be moving in the next few months. I will miss the kids school though. The Principal and staff are such wonderful examples to our kids and I really admire them for the work they do.
Anyway, back to the subject. The note is about a new program called, Bucket Filling, that the school has started. The program is based on the book Have You Filled Your Bucket Today, by Carol McCloud.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
"All day long, everyone in the whole wide world walks around carrying an invisible bucket. You can't see it but its there. You have a bucket. Your Mom and dad each have a bucket. Your sister and brother have a bucket. Your grandparents, friends, and neighbors all have a bucket. Everyone carries an invisible bucket. Your bucket has one purpose only. It's purpose is to hold your good thoughts and good feeling about yourself. You feel very happy and good when your bucket is full and you feel very sad and lonely when you bucket is empty. You fill a bucket when you show love to someone, when you say or do something kind, or even when you give someone a smile. But, you can also dip into a bucket and take out some good feelings. You dip into a bucket when you make fun of someone , when you say or do mean things. or even when you ignore someone. That's being a bucket dipper."
I haven't read the book, but I am once again impressed by Mrs. Shields and the teaching staff for initiating another program to help build character in the children of our town. Thank you Mrs. Shields!!! You are a wonderful principal and person!!We are going to get some buckets for our family and write down things about each other and ouselves to encourage bucket filling. Be sure and check out the Bucket Filling site and the program.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I Have a Question

Anyway, my question is, would anyone like to be a part of Message in a Bottle?? If you would check out Lisa's site and get back to me and I'll send you your first bottle. I just don't want to send someone a bottle who doesn't want to keep the exchange going. If you would like to join in on Message in a Bottle let me know and I'll send a bottle out to you. Thanks!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
I Broke Down!

We had our third night of temperatures in the low 30's. I woke up this morning so cold and my bones felt like they're shivering.................... so I broke down.................. and turned on the heat.
I only turned on the heat for the lower part of our home though and only to 60 degrees. (We have 5 levels, with 1 room on each level, except upstairs we have 2 bedrooms on each of the 2 upper levels)
Jace is in a stage where he will not wear clothes. He only wants to wear his "big boy underwears" since he started potty training. I know he has to be freezing!! Earl said he started to turn the heat on early this morning but decided against doing it without asking me first. You'd think he is scared I'd get upset about it or something!?!? Surely I'm not that bad!! No, I wouldn't have gotten mad. I just don't like the house super warm. It's hard to breathe and it just costs way to much money, but I do hate to be cold!
My dad would probably die if he heard me say this because I can remember a young girl who came home from school a couple of times and was freezing and thought she would warm herself up by turning up the thermostat. The only thing is this girl turned it up to like, a 100 degrees, and then forgot about it. When her Daddy came home a couple of hours later to a HOT house he wasn't very happy with the young girl. There were 4 girls in the house............ so it must of been one of the other 3. wink! wink!
This is NOT a picture of my dad! It's just an image I borrowed.
Have a wonderful day!! I'm off to finish more swaps!
What are you all up to today? Is it cold where you are?? If not, I'm extremely jealous!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Jack Frost is Here and it's COLD!

Jack Frost came yesterday morning for his first visit and he is definitely in Upstate New York again this morning. It is cold!!! BBBBBRRRRRR!!! I'm freezing! I am one of those people though that hates to turn the furnace on. Once you turn it on it's winter and it will be on for the next 6 months. Even when it's on I never turn it above 60-62. I hate to pay for heat, but I do hate to be cold at the same time. So I will have to put my barefeet into some socks today and put on my flannel shirt to stay warm. I also hate wearing long sleeves and socks, but with Jack Frost here to stay I guess I'm going to have to change my habits..........for awhile anyway.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Miss Rhea is having a 100th Post Giveaway!
Kathy is having a Giveaway
Fanciful Twists Halloween Party!

The Chef will be Shrek and he will be serving some Rat Kabobs.
He's always good for a laugh!!
I brought a WereWolf as my date.
Handsome isn't he!!

and what Halloween party would be complete without the party guests

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Cathy and Some New ATC's I Made

These are my first 3 ATC's to make for a Club Creative (a Yahoo Group) that I joined. Angela, who makes gorgeous ATC's, is in the same group and that's how I joined.

Thanks so much Suzie!!!
I love them!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Oh Yeah, She's Back!!

The show was kind of sporadic last year and I didn't think they would put it back on this season especially after hearing on Christina's diagnosis of Breast Cancer.

My DIL made this up using the pictures of my 5 oldest boys. So funny!
All 8 of my kids

My 6 Grandkids

Me, Earl, My daughter-in-laws, son-in-law, kids & grandkids

The Whole Family
Use This Calculator and the Math Problem to Find Your Birthday
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On what day of the week were you born?
Enter your birthday
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Well, here I am - this is me, Sherry
Valentines Swap- video made by Graham Neale from Kirkcaldy, Scotland
In Your Eyes-- Only Sadness by Abby Kaplan
Let's Give Each Other a Make Over! Click on Me & I'll Take you There!
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Want to take another quick quiz and find out where your spirit is craving to take you?
My spirit is craving to take me here - a quiet tranquil place!

I would love to get away and just find me. Find my artistic side and just be able to let my spirit go!
Personality Test
You Are 9: The Peacemaker |
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