I think that my blogger friend Angel said it best, "Are you at the point where you wish you hadn't started????" Oh yes, yes, yes, I was to that point on Monday night. I was almost in tears. I was physically and mentally exhausted. I could envision my sibling standing there shaking their heads saying "
OMG Sherry! Why do you have so much junk? Oh Sherry!" I seem to be the only one out of the six of us that is a hoarder. All of my siblings
(I've never been to my little brothers house, but I'm assuming he is not like me!) houses are neat, clean and very uncluttered. Mine on the other hand....is well, probably a fire hazard.
I am trying though. I kid you not I have spent at least 10 hours a day in there cleaning and sorting. I have thrown away 4 big trash bags filled with stuff and I do feel better about it today though. Right now I can actually open the door that leads to the back porch and everything is almost in it's proper place. I need to buy some pant hangers to empty another bin. I'm going to put all of my ribbons in gallon size baggies and then hang them from pant hangers in a little space that I have.
I am sorting through fabric today and I have so much, but not enough, if you know what I mean. Right now the room looks pretty good and I really don't want to put all of the fabric and yarn bins in there. I have about 5 with fabric and 2 with yarn. The big bins. Crap! I'm really trying. Earl said if I cleaned and organized the stuff in the basement I could put a couple of bins down there. Honestly, I think this is his way of getting me to clean the basement, but that's okay, it needs to get done too! Okay, I'm off to sort through fabric and hopefully finish up in the craft room today. I really need to because the rest of the house is a mess now!