Yesterday afternoon my beautiful daughter, Alexis, graduated from High School. Lexie's graduating is especially special to me for a couple of reasons. Four years ago in September, Lexie's first year in HS, she tried to commit suicide. Thank God her attempt failed! Secondly, Lexie has finish HS while becoming a mother. Anthony will be 2 yrs old in a month so she completed a year of HS while being pregnant and the last 2 years while being a mom. Lexie could have so easily quit, but she didn't. Instead she strived to get her education and to live her life. She has even been awarded a partial scholarship to a local college. I am so proud of my baby girl and of all of her accomplishments and I'm so glad to have her as my daughter! Okay, I'm bawling my head off now so I have to quit writing about this.
A Flip Book in the Making
I'm so proud of you!
After I did my embarrassing post yesterday I received several very supportive messages. Thank you Kana, Dianne, my wonderful sisters Cathy & Robyn. My blogger friend Valerie has even volunteered to by my buddy in this. We decided that we would work together on loosing weight and that we would be accountable to each other. We are starting off today with a plan of drinking 6 glasses of water a day and walking 3 times a week for 20 minutes. Next week we'll add something else to our plan. Thanks Val for doing this with me!!! I'm going to be posting my progress on my sidebar so I can make myself be more accountable for actions. Wish me luck and if anyone else would like to join in feel free!
After I did my embarrassing post yesterday I received several very supportive messages. Thank you Kana, Dianne, my wonderful sisters Cathy & Robyn. My blogger friend Valerie has even volunteered to by my buddy in this. We decided that we would work together on loosing weight and that we would be accountable to each other. We are starting off today with a plan of drinking 6 glasses of water a day and walking 3 times a week for 20 minutes. Next week we'll add something else to our plan. Thanks Val for doing this with me!!! I'm going to be posting my progress on my sidebar so I can make myself be more accountable for actions. Wish me luck and if anyone else would like to join in feel free!
I also wanted to share a something that the Keynote speaker, Coach Pete Citrolo, said at Lexie's graduation yesterday. "It's not about how many times you fall in's about how many times you get up". He also told the kids it's "all in the attitude". I think these will not only be encouraging words to the graduates, but to me on my new weight loss journey.
Have a great day!!!
this was such a touching post. Your daughter has so much to live for!
You are beautiful and should not hide from the camera. I'm camera shy too so I applaud you!
Hey Sherry Congrats on your daughter being such a wonderful young woman. I'm sure it was a tough few years getting trough that with her baby but she did it! & you look great! Love your sincere smile! I know you are doing great with your weight loss journey because you are TRYING!
That's what matters.
Sherry, this post is so moving. You ought to be proud of your daughter. She is awesome. She will be a very strong example for her children. I know that this day was so special. I am so excited about our weight journey. How are you doing on your water. We just got home from lunch with friends after church so I am up to 3 glasses. We have a meeting at 4 so I will finish up this afternoon and tonight. Thank you for letting me tag along on this journey. and by the way, you ought to have pictures took- you are beautiful inside and out. I can tell.
Hi Sherry
Congratulations to Lexi on her graduation. You must be so proud of her, she is so beautiful. To have graduated after what she has been through is a wodnerful achievement.
Congratulations to you too on starting your weight loss program. I think you look just lovely as you are. You have a beautiful smile. That's great you are joining with some of your blogging friends in this quest. I wish you all well.
Sherry, Congrats to Lexie and to you! It's an amazing and touching story about Lexie...something to be very proud of... all of you. Good luck on your weight loss journey. It's a difficult task but starting is usually the hardest part. Take care!
Congratulations to Lexie!!!!
And you look beautiful with Chad Jr. :)
You can do anything you set your mind to! Great way to keep a journal of you journey too :)
Big hugs and congratulations to Lexie. It is a tremendous feat. Good luck with your goals!
It must be so comforting to have the support of your friends in blogland. We are with you, Sherry. You may have read that I have started a walking program myself. Everyday I write down how far I've walked. Have a great week! Twyla
Wow- Congratulations to Lexie for graduating and graduating as a Mom. Beautiful woman. Beautiful family and Sherry- your beautiful too! :O)
I had to cry reading this too! I am so proud of her too...You can tell her I said so!!!!!!
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