Who will leave tonight???? They are all great, but I think it will be Matt.
Who do you think will leave tonight??
Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
and now this is what the flower bed looks like. I transplanted some Iris' and kept 3 of the hosta plants, 2 lilac bushes and some Lily's are in the flower bed so far. Earl is going to go buy me some little flowers today to add some color and fill in spaces while the other plants grow.
This is a lot of what I've been up to. I can't wait to get more done and see how pretty it looks!
This is what one of the flower beds out front looked like last weekend when I started to rake it.
Here is what it looked like last night. Mallory and I dug up one of the bushes that I cut down last week because it has the nastiest thorns on it. I don't want any thorns, except on roses, around the yard with kids. I dug up some of the plants that were in this flower garden and transplanted them to the side of the house. They aren't the type of plant I want in the front. Earl and I bought 2 lilac bushes yesterday and a three Lily's. I'm going to transplant some of the other Lily's that are scattered around the yard over to the front until I have enough $$ to buy what I want to put out there. In time it is going to be pretty! Hopefully by next year I will be able to get all the plants I want to put out there.
After the daycare is closed the kids can go over her and play. This is basically our backyard. Yay for Spring!!!! Yay for the Sunshine!!!
Ezie with the finished product! Honestly I was expecting a 6-12 inch size birdhouse........not a mansion! Ezie still needs to paint it, but he is pretty darn proud of what he built and I am just as proud of him!
I was in Lori's Bird Swap and my partner Julie sent me this beautiful swap package. There is some pretty little birdies, a bird house, an embroidered towel and the cute little frame with a nest on it.
Even though I am not exposed to the outside world to much right now, I have a wonderful family and friends that I am extremely thank for.
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