On the fourth, I was going to spend so much time doing stuff with the kids, and I got sick again. I don't know what my problem is, but I got sick with the same thing I had exactly a month ago. To tell you the truth, I am sick of being sick!!
I made these Super Foam-erator's that I saw on Creative Kismets Blog who had seen them on Betz White's Blog. The kids had a blast playing with them and so did a few other people!!
I made these Super Foam-erator's that I saw on Creative Kismets Blog who had seen them on Betz White's Blog. The kids had a blast playing with them and so did a few other people!!
Jace wanted his head covered with foam and then he would run down the sidewalk leaving a trail of foam behind him.
I was trying to make foam for Jace when I was attacked by Foam-erator's, Ezie and Mallory!
Mallory got my neighbor into the picture too! By the time the kids were done with Joyce she had a Beaufont type hairdo.
Anyway, these Foam-erators were fun and all we need to make them was a empty water bottle with the end cut off, a rag to put over the end, a rubber band to hold the rag on, a little dish soap and a little water. Betz White has all the instructions on her blog. Thanks Betz and Regina for posting this fun and cheap activity on your blogs! It was so much fun!!
Great summer fun. Can't wait to do it with the kids this week. Lisa
What a fun family activity.
Hope you are soon feeling better
I like how the whole family and even the neighbor got involved! Take care of yourself! Melinda
I saw this and linked it too, but didn't actually try it. After seeing your pics, I'm gonna have to try this for my little neighbor girl.
Fun! Alexander and Sophia would have a blast with these too! What great way to spend the day. Are you feeling better? Sending lots of healthy, happy hugs!
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