Happy First Birthday
to My Oldest GrandSon
Anthony Daniel!
Anthony had his first Birthday Party yesterday
and your invited to view the event.
here's how the story goes.
Anthony was getting ready for his party.
He's going to wear a suit,
he's almost going to,
his birthday suit!
He thinks he'll just sit there and look cute!
He knows it, He's cute!
and he has the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen!

Here are some of Anthony's
distinguished Party guests

and some more......

and of course,
his twin cousins,
T.J. and Jordan,
were there to share the spotlight of
ooers and

Anthony's First Birthday Cake!
Anthony wants to know if this is what REAL food taste like?
He says it was worth a year of waiting
to have cake
and ooooohh the frosting!

Where'd it go??
He knew he just had a cupcake,
right there,
right there on his tray!
Where'd it go??

Anthony begged,
"Come on Mom,
please, can I have just one more??
Chocolate this time around??
Come on Dad!"

His Dad and Mom
said he had to get cleaned up
and entertain his party guests for a little longer.
All Anthony wants though
Another cupcake!!
Poor Anthony!
Well, this is the end of Anthony's 1st Birthday Party,
I hope you enjoyed yourself!
maybe he'll just take a little nap.
Being this cute and
turning 1 all in one day
is hard work you know!
Thanks for coming!

The End!
Anthony is my oldest daughter Alexis' son. Lexie was only 16 when she had Anthony a year ago . I am so proud of her and Jake for being such terrific parents. They have put Anthony before all else and he is definitely a very loved little boy! Great job Jake and Lexie!!