I couldn't get pictures of Ezie and Mallory practicing baseball, but I did get some of them on the playground afterwards
Yes!! Spring has finally hit Rensselaer! The kids had their first baseball practice and then they got to play on the playground. It was so nice to be out and about again!
Something funny though, I parked the van and sat their for a minute watching all these men getting out of their cars with their sons (some girls) and you could just see the testosterone in the air. Wow! These kids are 4-12 that were practicing but to most of these dads it seemed like the major league. The dads were walking towards the field, ball glove in hand and baseball cap on their heads, their chests stuck out and a little bad a-- walk going on. As a woman watching it was kind of funny, yet in our small dysfunctional town, it was really nice to see. Baseball and Football are two of the only events that seem to bring a lot of the parents and children together.
I love Spring and even though the weather is suppose to get crappy again tomorrow, I know that Spring is now in the air. Even my daffodils finally are coming up and my peony's are just starting to poke their little heads up out of the ground. Yes!! Spring is finally here!!
You enjoy that Spring weather for me....we are expecting 10 inches of snow tomorrow!!!!! Love the baseball observation...I could just picture it all unfolding.
I was waiting for spring and here it is. Got lot of plans including a trip to West
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