Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Why, Oh Why, Am I A Procrastinator?
For an individual, procrastination may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of personal productivity, the creation of crisis and the disapproval of others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments.
These combined feelings can promote further procrastination. While it is normal for people to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying physiological disorder.
Okay, so I may have an physiological disorder. Yes, I do admit to this. Yes, procrastination is probably my worst downfall. I will procrastinate on every detail of my life. I know it causes me stress and I know I will feel like a failure if I wait to long and don't accomplish my intended goal, yet, I still do it.
I have been a procrastinator all of my life. Sorry mom, and I know your not like this now, but I think it is a learned behavior and maybe genetic too?!? As you know, I am much worse than you could ever have been. I will procrastinate on making appointments, canceling appointments, paying bills, meeting deadlines, getting ready for things, everything, everything, everything.
I have so many projects that I have to accomplish this week that I don't know where to start. So what am I doing, I typing a post on my blog instead of sewing. Actually, I did start today on one project that is due tomorrow and there is no way I can finish it by tomorrow. It will be late and I will have to pay for Priority shipping to get it to the person in the nick of time, probably inconveniencing them. I will look at the bright side of the situation though, hey, at least I have started. Okay, back to the sewing machine and please give me some advice to help me quit this learned, genetic, psychological disorder that I have.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!

Just leave me a comment about any old thing you'd like and I will enter your name to win one of these wonderful prizes! (Hee! Hee! I'm so funny!) I'll put all the names in a hat and draw two names out. The first one gets the rose plaque and the other person gets the fibers. Sounds okay? Okay, great and good luck!
The winners are: drum roll please.............. Mary Ann Abbott gets the plaque and Speak Out Loud wins the fibers.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm Hosting My First Swap

I have been thinking about this for awhile now and I've decided to host a swap, The Brown Paper Bag Swap. The Brown Paper Bag is such a simple item and how many of us started off as little kids crafting with brown paper bags? In school we decorated them for goodie bags, made puppets out of them, used them for our lunches, etc.... My mom made my little guy, Jace, a brown paper bag scrapbook when he was born. It was so cute and yet so simple. I love it!!
So what I am thinking is that we (hopefully others like this idea too and join the swap!) could use a brown paper bag and create something for our partner out of it. It doesn't matter how you use the bag as long as it is somehow used in your swap. It could be added to your art piece, made into a tag, it could be the main part of the item, whatever you can come up with.
Extra goodies can be included if you would like. I have found out doing swaps that most people include goodies and it does make it kind of fun!
My rules for the swap are:
- You must use a brown paper bag in your handmade swap item.
- You MUST contact your swap partner by email. You need to say "Hi", introduce yourself and then tell them a little about yourself. I am making this a rule because I have participated in a couple of swaps and have never heard from the person I am exchanging with. I think this takes away from the whole point of the swap and kind of leaves everything up in the air. Make a new friend, it doesn't mean you have to email them constantly, but be friendly.
- There is $15.00 (+ or - a little) price limit.
Okay, sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Please email me at or leave me a comment on my blog if you would like to join the swap. I need your
- Name
- Email address
- Blog address if you have one
- I will take sign ups until Sunday May 18, 2008. The mail out date for your brown paper bag item will be June 12, 2008 (that is anniversary day the patent was granted for the machine that makes the paper bags we use now days.)
- I also have a hotmail code for the badge, as plain as it is, if you would like it I'll send it to you after you join the swap. Please spread the word if your interested and feel free to post info about the swap so others will join. I'm so excited to see what everyone comes up with!!!
- I will open a Flickr Group up for the projects to be posted to if you want to join it.
If your interested, here is a little history on the Brown Paper Bag as we know it now. There were other paper bags before this and other people involved in the invention of the bags. I just decided to post about the type of bags that are familiar to us now days.
Square-Bottom Paper Bag w/ pleated sides
On June 12, 1883 the U.S. Patent office issued #279,505 to Chas Stilwell a patent for a paper bag machine. After fighting for the Union in the Civil War, Charles Stilwell began to tinker with the idea of making a better paper bag. Paper bags already existed at this time, but they had many flaws. They had to be pasted together by hand; their V-shaped bottoms prevented them from standing on their own; and they were not easily collapsible or conveniently stackable. In the summer of 1883, Stilwell put into operation the first machine to produce paper bags. The bags had flat bottoms for standing up straight by themselves and pleated sides that made them easy to fold and stack. Dubbed the S.O.S., or Self-Opening Sack, it remains in widespread use today. With the birth of the American supermarket in the early 1930s, demand for Stilwell’s paper bags skyrocketed. Their versatility, strength, and low cost made them first a nationwide then a worldwide phenomenon.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Being In Love
Friday, April 25, 2008
Enchanted Swap
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Dr.s Office -- Strep X 7 --- Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel???

Well, maybe the reason we haven't been able to get rid of the crud in our house is that we have strep. Nobody has been up to par for several weeks now but we just thought it was summer colds and sinus', WRONG! Lexie went to the Dr's. last Friday, her boyfriend on Saturday and their baby, Anthony on Monday. They all had strep. Jace had a scheduled appt. on Tuesday and was sick so they tested him......strep. We took the other two kids in on Wed. and they had strep too. Earl and I went today because what are the odds that we wouldn't have strep. Yeppers! We are lucky victims #6 and #7. So everyone is on antibiotics and I am going to Lysol my house good tomorrow.
Okay, spring is finally here, we're all on antibiotics, so this had better be the end of the crud in our house!!! There is no reason for any more of it!! Right?? Right!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Favorite Spring Things Swap
Thank you Marcie! Everything was very nice.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Terrific Tuesday Giveaway

Leave a comment about any subject you want and I'll enter your name to win these fabric squares.
All of the past winners packages are finally in the mail. Sorry for the delay-I haven't had a car to get to the post office. I finally have my van back!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Slumber Party With The 3 Granddaughters!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Vintage Kitchen Swap
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
New Blog
We are having some major difficulties at my house right now so anyone who reads this please remember us in your prayers.
Oh yeah, I want to say Thank you to my mom for being such a terrific person and saying the things you did tonight about me and Earl. Thanks Mom and I love you!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Terrific Tuesday's Giveaway

I purchased these from Pockbookity by 1 OAK Designs at . They are great quality, cut very neatly and stacked perfectly every time.
Leave a comment about any subject you want and I'll enter your name to win these fabric squares.
Have a wonderful day!!
A Glance at My World won the giveaway!
sbonnettsue please contact me about Project Linus. Thanks!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Spring Break Has Sprung
I'm originally from Wichita, Kansas and have been in New York for about 12 years now. When my first granddaughter was about 2 her mom told me to make her a Peanut Butter and Fluff sandwich. Fluff?? My mom only bought Fluff at Christmas time, I think. I guess here in the East, Fluff is a big thing on sandwiches. ???? We grew up on the regular P.B. & J.'s. I guess I was boring---or normal!!
So, we just had friend #1 stop by for the day. He's a great kid though and he keeps my kids occupied. So, I'm off to start my mommy duties for the day and I guess the kids are going out to catch gardener snakes. YUck! YUck! YUck! I HATE snakes and we are infested with those little nasties in the spring.
DON'T FORGET TOMORROW IS TERRIFIC TUESDAY'S GIVEAWAY! I think I am putting some precut fabric squares in.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Seven Silly Saturday Sayings
- I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
- Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
- Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the car-pool lane?
- If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
- If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
- I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
- Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards
Friday, April 11, 2008
How Do I Feel About Comments
- When I get a comment I feel so happy that I run around the house or office jumping and screaming, "I got a comment, Oh yeah!" 3 people said this
- I receive a lot of comments but I really could care less either way
- A comment makes me feel acknowledged for my work or thoughts 6 people said this
- I can't stand when total strangers leave me a comment
- Comments make me feel connected to a community 6 people said this
- I hardly ever receive comments on my blog and don't really care
- I would LOVE to receive more comments but seldom get any 8 people said this
Okay, so I did this poll over the last week and thank you to the 14 people who actually took the time to answer it. So it seems that most people really enjoy getting comments, 3 of us go a little more wild than the others do, but we all enjoy getting a comment. Comments make us feel like a part of the community and that people are actually acknowledging our work or thoughts. So why don't more people comment? People want you to comment on their postings so please try to leave even a short comment. I know one person that is so sweet and she replies to every comment I have ever left on her blog which in turn is a double acknowledgement.
Adopt a Soldier
If you don't have a myspace account and don't want one contact me and I will give your email address to Frannie.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Spring and Baseball Season Have Finally Started!!!
Something funny though, I parked the van and sat their for a minute watching all these men getting out of their cars with their sons (some girls) and you could just see the testosterone in the air. Wow! These kids are 4-12 that were practicing but to most of these dads it seemed like the major league. The dads were walking towards the field, ball glove in hand and baseball cap on their heads, their chests stuck out and a little bad a-- walk going on. As a woman watching it was kind of funny, yet in our small dysfunctional town, it was really nice to see. Baseball and Football are two of the only events that seem to bring a lot of the parents and children together.
I love Spring and even though the weather is suppose to get crappy again tomorrow, I know that Spring is now in the air. Even my daffodils finally are coming up and my peony's are just starting to poke their little heads up out of the ground. Yes!! Spring is finally here!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Brown ShoeBox
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Seven Silly Saturday Sayings
- Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?
- Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
- If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished! (this is me!)
- If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. (and this)
- "It is not MY fault that I never learned to accept responsibility"!
- Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. but it’s only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where’s that extra penny going to?
- How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hi, My Name is Sherry and Yes, I am a Swap Addict

Who could pass up a swap to make and receive something Princess like? Who doesn't need something pretty and enchanting to look at for no other reason except it's pretty and enchanting! Gypsy Mermaid is hosting an Enchanted Swap and is taking sign ups until April 12th. Please visit her Blog for all of the information about joining. I've never done anything like this swap, more on the artistic side than the craft side, but after having 6 boys I will take any opportunity to make something pretty and princess like! I do have 2 girls too, but 2 girls hasn't been enough to fulfill my frilly urges!
Some More Pillows I Made on Monday
These are from an old cutter quilt I bought on Ebay.
It was in pretty bad shape but I did manage
to get 2 pillows out of it.
These are the front (or back if you prefer)
or the front
if that's what you prefer.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I Made My Own Laundry Soap
I read about making your own laundry soap from my Brown ShoeBox Swap partner's Blog. Robyn has a tutorial on her blog, Where the Boys Are, about how to make your own Laundry Soap. I was intrigued!
- I do laundry
- I do a lot of laundry
- I use laundry detergent
- I use quite a bit of laundry detergent
- I have nothing better to do than make my own laundry soap
- I could save some money on laundry detergent to make up for the craft stuff that I buy!
- The directions on the Borax Natural Laundry Booster and the Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda both say to add like 1/2 cup to you laundry ALONG with your regular laundry detergent to help aid in cleaning. How does this laundry soap work then if you only add 1/2 - 3/4 cup of each the Borax and Arm & Hammer to the whole 2 gallons that you make. I don't get that. You get 64 loads out of the same 1/2 cup of each of the items that you add to 1 regular load of laundry "as an additive"??????? Please explain this one to me!!! I don't get it??????
- Okay, I melted the Ivory Bar Soap and then as soon as you add the Borax and the Arm & Hammer powder there is an instant gel. Why does it gel?? Again, I don't understand this and why does such a small amount of soap turn all that water into such a thick gel??? I'm no a scientist, but I am very curious. ?????
So anyway, I made the soap earlier tonight. Actually, it was kind of enjoyable (even if I don't fully understand it). I had the kitchen window open (we finally had a nice spring day!) while I cooked the soap and washed dishes. My kitchen had the nicest aroma of fresh spring air and Ivory Soap. What more could a girl ask for!! I'll let you know how it works, I have enough of my store bought detergent (I say that now like it is a dirty word!) left for a load or two. So, I'll start on the new homemade stuff tomorrow. I feel so domesticated right now!!
Oh yeah, I also found a video where a lady is making basically the same type of soap in her kitchen . Oh, 1 more thing, I added 2 bars of the Ivory Bar Soap instead of one
- I like the smell of Ivory Soap
- I have a bed wetter and anything extra I can to help take away the smell of the urine is more than welcome. Maybe I should have added some vinegar and cut out part of the water?? I guess that will give me something to think about!
My DIL made this up using the pictures of my 5 oldest boys. So funny!
All 8 of my kids

My 6 Grandkids

Me, Earl, My daughter-in-laws, son-in-law, kids & grandkids

The Whole Family
Use This Calculator and the Math Problem to Find Your Birthday
This free script provided by
On what day of the week were you born?
Enter your birthday
(then hit the "Update" button):This free script provided by
Well, here I am - this is me, Sherry
Valentines Swap- video made by Graham Neale from Kirkcaldy, Scotland
In Your Eyes-- Only Sadness by Abby Kaplan
Let's Give Each Other a Make Over! Click on Me & I'll Take you There!
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- yellow (1)
- Yo-yo's (7)
- YoVille (1)
- Zombie Jar (1)
- zombies (1)
Want to take another quick quiz and find out where your spirit is craving to take you?
My spirit is craving to take me here - a quiet tranquil place!

I would love to get away and just find me. Find my artistic side and just be able to let my spirit go!
Personality Test
You Are 9: The Peacemaker |
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