As many of you know I have been talking about the possibility of us moving. Well, we finally are!! Earl lost his job a little over 8 years ago, 2 weeks before Mallory was born. We were so broke and were pretty much forced to move to public housing. The apartment we moved into wasn't so bad, but the neighborhood was a cultural shock to me. The police were on our street several times a week and the adult neighbors were constantly fighting.
Two and 1/2 years ago we moved up a street and into a 4 bedroom which is a lot nicer but still it is public housing and still it is in a terrible neighborhood. We can here our neighbors cussing their kids out through our walls and it just hasn't been our idea of a decent place to live. Also every room is on a different floor which has been really hard with little ones!!
Earl's second job is at a church and they have a house they rent to the maintenance person. I couldn't believe the house when Earl finally got to take me to look at it last week. We started moving in the next day.
It's a real house, with a real yard
and we're really going to live in it!!!!
The front porch is enclosed so the little ones can play on it when the weathers nice and then there is a little entry way before you walk into the living room.
This is one corner of the living room
Look, the walls actually have color on them.
I haven't lived in a house with color on the walls in probably 13 years.

This is looking into the dining room from the living room
(yes, a real dining room!!!)

This is just a little indentation between the dining room and the kitchen that we are using for a computer room. We can fit a bookshelf on one wall and the computer desk on the other. There is a 1/2 bathroom across from this room.

This is one side of the kitchen. I think I am going to do a little bit of painting in it to make everything match a little better.

This is the other side of the kitchen looking down into the dining room.
On the other side of the kitchen is the laundry room which has a door that leads to a full storage basement and another door that leads to the back porch.
and then the best room in the whole house
a craft room just for me!!! It has these built in cabinets and this beautiful door that also leads to the back porch. It also has 2 beautiful windows to let the sunshine in and room for my sewing table, ironing board and some more cabinets for storage.
It is a dream come true!!
For the last 8 years the computer, baby toys and all my craft stuff have been in the living room. Now they will all be spread out over 4 rooms.
We can have a living room that will not be cluttered!!
This is our room
This is Mallory's room and then there are 2 more bedrooms.
All 4 bedrooms are upstairs along with a full bathroom.
There is also a nice full attic off one of the bedrooms for more storage.
Check this out! I love that most of the doors in the house have glass doorknobs.
They are so beautiful!!!!!
We have a huge front yard for my flowers, a side yard and a small backyard that Earl can plant his garden in. There is also a 2 car garage that Earl shares with the church. The backyard is also connected to the church parking lot so the kids can ride their bikes there when church isn't in service and a big playground from the church run nursery school that the kids can play on when the school isn't in session.
I'm sorry if it seems like I'm bragging
considering where we have lived for the last 8 years
this house is like a piece of heaven!!!