My silly kids make me smile!
Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
and the Prom King is.......
The King of the Preschool Prom is
my oldest grandson
His Queen is his girlfriend Bella.
Don't they make the cutest couple ever!?!?
Congratulations Bella and Anthony!!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Crochet a Rug from Jeans
First of all,
I have to say that my wrists
are killing me!!
I started this rug yesterday and I really like it so far,
but crocheting with denim is really hard on the wrists.
So far I've used 4 pairs of jeans.
I'm thinking it's probably going to take 15-20 pairs.
It's definitely going to have to go to the
laundry mat and go in one of those huge washers when it needs
to be washed!
It's pretty heavy already.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Jace's First Science Fair
Jace had his first Science Fair at his school last night. He's only in kindergarten and we are new to his school this year so we weren't quite sure what to expect, but I think we did pretty good! Earl took the night off to help out and Ezie and Mallory came along too.
It was a really fun family night!
One of Jace's experiments was Reactive Art.
We filled a large cookie sheet with baking soda and then had cups of
different colored vinegar so the kids could put spoonfuls of the vinegar
on the baking soda and watch it fizz.
Here's Jace explaining his experiment to someone as Ezie and Mallory are watching him.
It doesn't show up to well in my picture, but it was pretty cool with all the colors as the kids put spoonfuls of vinegar onto the baking soda.
Jace with his certificate.
We also did the rubber egg experiment and only had 2 kids squeeze the egg
to hard and break them open.
Jace also did the homemade Quacker Caller. On this one you just get a straw and cut a triangle on the top of the straw, flatten it out really good and blow hard.
A duck sound should come out of the straw.
Thanks Jace for a fun night!
science fair
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
A Cute Little Owl Pouch
Jace's bus driver's
birthday is today and so I had to come up with a quick birthday present for
Tracy liked the owl
hats that I made so I made this little owl pouch for her.
It fits a cell
phone or iPod.
I hope she likes it! I think it's really cute!
I think I'll be making some more today.
I think they'd make a great gift bag for gift cards or other little treasures.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
A Fun Day!
Earl and I took Jace to a Pirate Birthday Party yesterday. We had so much fun just watching Jace play with his friends. Some of the kids dressed up like pirates, they had a treasure hunt, toys to play on, a petting zoo and ponies to ride.
My grandson Mason spent the night Friday and so yesterday morning we had fun playing with him.
What a fun day!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Birthday Gift, Donation and Wedding Gifts
Jace got invited to a Pirate Birthday Party so here's what I came up with.
I made a bucket out of some fabric that I hade left over
from another project and then 13 stuffed cannon balls so his
friend could have a pirate war or play a tossing game,
kinda like bean bags.
The bag also has a drawstring closure so none of the balls get lost.
You can't have a pirate loosing his balls you know!
Hee! Hee!
My older kids are at the stage that everytime you say
"balls" they giggle so I had to throw that one in.
I also made some yellow play dough and Jace kneaded
the glitter into it so his friend can make some pirates gold coins.
These are some butterflies that I crocheted on Wednesday
for The Butterfly Project that the Holocaust Museum is doing.
They need 1.5 million butterflies
so if you'd like to make to make some please do.
so if you'd like to make to make some please do.
I'm making 24 of these....
1 for each of my 8 kids, the 14 grandkids and then me and Earl.
I made this for my stepmom's nephew for his wedding.
I had them made in October, but just got them mailed out. Oops!
Their dishes are a tangerine orange and the kitchen is a green color.
I hope these match!
I made a set of 6 double sided cloth napkins, 2 tawashi's and a
crocheted champagne bottle holder...
or it works pretty good to hold the napkins too!
bottle holder,
tote bags,
Thursday, May 17, 2012
....and it's a Flower!
Here it is!
The Rainbow Flower Pillow
I sure hope Mallory's friend likes it!
Mallory and Jace both really liked it and said it was nice and squishy too!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
We're Bloomin'
Here's my progress on the pillow for Mallory's friend.
Mallory, of course, had to get silly and put the pillow on for hat,
she's so cute!
Hopefully I finish the pillow today and can post the finished product tomorrow!
Monday, May 14, 2012
I'm Trying to Bloom!
I saw this beautiful pillow on Pinterest and had to get my scrap yarn out and try it.
After I started it Mallory I and decided it would be a great gift for her friends birthday gift.
So here is the start of mine.
It is actually really easy and I so hope it turns out pretty.
Thanks to Lucy at Attic 24 for coming up with this gorgeous pattern!
I'll post my progress tomorrow.
Friday, May 4, 2012
I've Been A Busy Little Sewing Bee!
I've been busy making things to put in my shop the last couple of days.
I love to try new things and this casserole carrier
was a fun new thing to try.
The used the tutorial on this link
I think I'm going to be making some of these for gifts.
Pretty nifty and cute!
Next I've been making some pretty pouches for gift giving.
I think they are romantic feeling and would look so pretty in a bedroom or even bathroom.
So now I have to quit playing and go do dishes and make dinner....
and then
more creative fun!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
My Yummy HomeMade Breakfast
I started making my own Greek yogurt several weeks ago
and I must say
I do a pretty darn good job at making it.
This yogurt is so good and low in calories and fat.
I use 1% milk to make mine.
I found the recipe on Pinterest, but here is the link for it
The other night I made some granola to add to my yogurt and YUM!
I didn't measure I just kinda dumped,
but here's the jist of what I did.
I thawed a can of frozen apple juice and dumped it in my mixing bowl
then I had a bag of whole almonds and I whized those
in the whizzer to a slightly chunky consistency.
I grabbed a couple hand fulls of crasions and threw those in
then I just added oatmeal until I had a consistency that was wet, but not drippy.
Moist though not to dry.
I added approx. 3 tablespoons of honey, a dash of nutmeg
and a couple of teaspoons of cinnamon.
and then mixed it all up and baked it on 300 degrees
until the granola started to brown a little.
I also stirred it around a few times.
It smells so good!!
Then I let the granola cool and put it in a gallon sized baggie and
I have a great breakfast, snack or even a kinda sorta replacement for ice cream.
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My DIL made this up using the pictures of my 5 oldest boys. So funny!
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
All 8 of my kids

My 6 Grandkids

Me, Earl, My daughter-in-laws, son-in-law, kids & grandkids

The Whole Family
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In Your Eyes-- Only Sadness by Abby Kaplan
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Want to take another quick quiz and find out where your spirit is craving to take you?
My spirit is craving to take me here - a quiet tranquil place!

I would love to get away and just find me. Find my artistic side and just be able to let my spirit go!
Personality Test
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