Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Kids Made the Snow Fun!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Will Winter Ever End?
Monday, January 26, 2009
I'm the Queen of Procrastination!

Do you procrastinate?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Grandkids, Grandkids and My Mallory

My oldest grand daughter, Sabrina, went to her first semi-formal dance last weekend.
I can't believe how fast she has grown up!
This is Anthony. He's 18 months and he's the one I babysit during the week.
Mallory fried eggs for her and Jace all by herself.
She loves to cook!
I just wanted to share some pics with you of some of the family. Have a wonderful day today.
I have to finish crocheting a baby blanket for a friend.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Looking for a Fun Swap? Check These 2 Out!!

Pixie Children's Wand Swap
Also I just signed up for an Easter Swap, it's called Viv's Easter Egg Hunt Swap. It is easy and sounds like so much fun! All you have to do is to make 2 Easter Eggs out of any medium and send them to Viv. After she receives all of them she will mix them up and send everyone back 2 eggs from 2 different people. Then we have to blog hop and hunt for who's eggs we received. If you'd like to check it out go to Viv's blog.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My New Grandson is Finally Here!
One World One Heart

Lisa "oceandreamer" Swifka is hosting One World One Heart again this year. Many thanks to Lisa for giving us all the opportunity to participate in such a fun event again!! The event runs from Jan.19-Feb.11 and prizes will be announced on the Feb. 12.
According to Lisa, "The whole idea behind doing this and trying to get as many as possible to join in, was and is to meet new and wonderful people........... Sometimes we may live on separate continents or at either end of the same country or even discover you hail from the same general area. By paying attention, by connecting with others, we are creating a circle of amazing individuals who can literally enhance our lives and we can enhance theirs."
I participated for the first time last year and I had so much fun and came away with the most amazing feeling. I developed friendships and found some amazing blogs. So far there are over 200 participants so get out there and meet some new people and sign up for some giveaways!

You can participate and not be doing a giveaway yourself. That's fine!!! I will also ship my giveaways internationally. So have fun and enjoy OWOH.
Monday, January 19, 2009
If I Only Had a Brain!

Look, no double chin and no belly!
(This is me when I turned 30. I had just worked very hard and lost 40lbs. after I had my daughter Lexi.)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Melissa is Having A Valentines Giveaway

‘This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propogated. Please give more attention to these writers!’
I honestly never know who to pass awards on to. I really enjoy everyone's blogs and it's so hard to choose a few people. I'm going to give the award though to some of my closest blogging friends that hopefully haven't already received this award from someone else. I know several you that I would list already have the award, Missy, Lindsay-Ann, etc.......
1. Angela is such a sweetie and so talented. Actually, I just read in her blog that she was surprised to be flipping through Somerset Magazine (here's the link to order a copy) yesterday and realized that her work was in the magazine not only once, but twice. Congratulations to Angela!!! Be sure and check out Angela's Etsy Shop, she has the prettiest things in there!
2. Melinda has been a wonderful friend and she is an amazing artist. I am always absolutely blown away with her artwork. Melinda is also being published in the February issue of an Apronology magazine that I think Stampington has. I'm not sure which one but I will definitely let you know when it comes out!
3. Twyla has also been a wonderful friend to me. She is such a great friend and encourager to me. Twyla and Lindsey sell some wonderful vintage things and Lindsey's artwork in their Etsy Shop along with Twyla's crocheted crocheted slippers, scarves and dish clothes.
4. Mary Ann is one of the nicest and funniest people and one of my first blogger friends. Mary Ann is very generous and has made my day many times with surprises at my door. Mary Ann has two Etsy Shops, one with things she finds and the other with some really neat things she makes and her packaging is really nice!! Thanks Mary Ann for bringing a smile to my face so many times!
5. Jean is also a wonderful person. Jean is always there to listen and give advice when needed. She is an amazing woman and is always encouraging us to support other woman by buying from their Etsy Shops. Jean does quilting and she is raising 3 of her grand kids along with work and everything else she does. Jean is an amazing person!
6. Dianne is another sweet friend and she is so talented in her artwork and photography. Dianne has some gorgeous photos on her blog. I want to be a photographer like her when I grow up!
7. Cathy is another not only friend but one of the best sisters anyone could ask for! Cathy was the only one who read my blog for the first several months and she always encourages me. Cathy has a wonderful way of looking at life and is very knowledgeable. Cathy "unschools" her kids and has a blog about unschooling. If you want to get some positive vibes going you definitely need to read Cathy's blog!
8. Lisa always is sweet and makes some of the most incredible things out of polymer clay. She does a lot of other artwork too, but I love her polymer clay stuff. Lisa is involved in Bottles of Hope. She made a beautiful bottle called "Healing Wings" in honor of her daughter who has Juv. Diabetes and is in the top 25 of the Staedtler Fimo clay Bottles of Hope challenge. Congratulations to Lisa!!

Jace had a great BD. He liked it he said.
I hope everyone has a great day! It snowed hear again last night, not a lot, but it's still winter.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Today is a Special Day!

Chad holding Jace after he was born
I remember when the Dr. was scheduling my C-Section he said I could schedule it for Jan. 17 or Jan. 26. Of course, by that time I wanted Jace to born ASAP and the 26 didn't really work out for us anyway (one of the nice things about having C-Sections is scheduling the birth!). I called Chad and asked him if it would bother him if I had Jace on his birthday and he said, "Momma, I would be honored to share my birthday with my little brother." Chad is such a sweetie!
Jace and Mallory this morning.
For Jace's Birthday he wants pizza, presents, cupcakes, candles and a song.
Oh Yeah!
and Chad may get his first child,
Chad, Jr.
born today!
Jenn has been dilated to 4cm for the last few days
so keep your fingers crossed!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm Really Enjoying Cooking Again!
I also made pancakes for the kids this morning before school.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm Old, BUT I'm Not Dead!

Then Simon Baker who plays Patrick Jane on CBS's The Mentalist has the cutest smile I have ever seen! I love the show and his smile just makes me happy!

He has the nicest eyes and of course, he has a great smile too!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Have You Ever Had One of Those Days?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Our Belated Family Christmas Dinner
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A Giveaway At Quilting Ranny
The other giveaway is for 3 glass orbs/paperweights. They are really pretty!
Make sure and visit Jean, she is a wonderful person and blog friend!
Friday, January 9, 2009
An Expensive Lesson

Anyway, my cutie pie, newly turned 10 year old son decided to get curious Wed. and check out sites he isn't allowed to check out. Guess what? Mom found out because all kinds of "System Security" stuff started appearing all over the computer, the computer that we just got connected to the Internet the day before. We questioned the kids to see who had been on the computer and a very guilty and scared little boy admitted to it. Slowly over about a 10 minute time period my cutie pie confessed to pulling up sites he shouldn't have been on. We talked to him and I said I would fix it but next time he would be grounded from the computer if he went on sites he knew he wasn't allowed to go on. We reminded him that mom has ways of finding out where they've been on the computer.
Quite confident in my computer knowledge I thought something bad had entered the computer so I ran a virus scan and was going to get rid of whatever it was. Wow! Was I ever wrong! The problem just kept getting worse. The "System Security" turned out to be a virus that my cutie pie authorized to enter our computer by simply clicking "YES" to a pop up and by telling our real security system that it was okay for it to enter. To make a long story short, we lost all connection to the Internet and my virus scanner couldn't pick up the virus. It cost us $9.75 to talk to a person from McAfee to get the number to priority technical support. It cost us another $89.95 to talk to and turn complete control of our computer over to a very nice lady from McAfee who fixed our computer in about a 1/2 hours time. I can't believe how expensive it was to fix the computer and with money that we didn't have! There is no way I could have fixed it myself though and so we paid the price.
Lessons Learned:
- Inform kids NOT to push yes to anything on the computer without asking mom first.
- Check into parental controls for the computer.
- and the hardest lesson for me is to NOT think my baby is as Innocent as I thought he was. I'm not ready for prepuberity to start. I've gone through it with 4 boys and 1 girl already and I AM NOT READY FOR IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN, not yet anyway!!!!
- and the lesson for the kids is to NEVER, EVER forget that mom does have eyes in the back of her head and you will get caught at what you do. Maybe not right away, but eventually, you will get caught!
My DIL made this up using the pictures of my 5 oldest boys. So funny!
All 8 of my kids

My 6 Grandkids

Me, Earl, My daughter-in-laws, son-in-law, kids & grandkids

The Whole Family
Use This Calculator and the Math Problem to Find Your Birthday
This free script provided by
On what day of the week were you born?
Enter your birthday
(then hit the "Update" button):This free script provided by
Well, here I am - this is me, Sherry
Valentines Swap- video made by Graham Neale from Kirkcaldy, Scotland
In Your Eyes-- Only Sadness by Abby Kaplan
Let's Give Each Other a Make Over! Click on Me & I'll Take you There!
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Want to take another quick quiz and find out where your spirit is craving to take you?
My spirit is craving to take me here - a quiet tranquil place!

I would love to get away and just find me. Find my artistic side and just be able to let my spirit go!
Personality Test
You Are 9: The Peacemaker |
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