Thanks for a great swap Debbie. You definitely spoiled me with your great package.
Be HaPpy WitH WhAt YoU HaVE WhILe WoRKinG FoR WhAt YoU WaNt....HeLeN KeLLeR
Friday, October 30, 2009
A Halloween Swap
Thanks for a great swap Debbie. You definitely spoiled me with your great package.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bumps in the Night Annie Swap
Irma also made these really cool spiders. The have tootsie rolls in them and then pipe cleaners for the legs. Very cute and an idea I'm going to borrow for next year!
This is the Annie that I made for Irma. She is a Cheetah with her sidekick Kitty.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Just a Couple of Quick Things
and next
I just finished this little purse for Christmas. It can be for little girls or for bigger girls who still believe or just believe in fun!! It's lined with a piece of Christmas fabric and the felt eyes and nose are glued on as well as stitched for extra security. I'm going to add a snap to the top that will be under the Santa Hat so it won't be seen.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I never knew what a baby hedgehog looked like. They are so tiny and I love how their little bodies are all snuggled up inside the furry coats. I get teary eyed just looking at them.....such a tiny little miracle.
I just thought this was one of the most precious pictures and wanted to share it with you.
Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm throwing in the newest pictures of my 2 youngest grandson's, Chad, Jr. is 9 months and Little Jesse is 4 months.
and finally.....I'll have some time to visit and catch up with my blogger friends!! Yay!!

Have a great day!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Witchy Annie Giveaway

2, 2, and 2
The next swap is Aunt Pitty Pat's, Spooks Rattles Pots and Pans Apron Swap. My partner was Diana Dwyer. Diana did the most perfect job of making my apron. I love the mixture of fabrics and the pattern is so cute! I can't wait to wear this apron to Lexie's Halloween party on Saturday. This was Diana's first swap and I think she did an absolutely wonderful job!!
Diana also sent some foamies and stickers. The kids were pretty happy with that! Then she also made this cute Halloween banner. I love all the Halloween fabrics and it looks so nice hanging up on my living room window.
Here's the apron I made for Diana. I went with a pirate theme. I'm really happy with how it turned out. AAaaarrrggghhhh!
I made her a pin (thanks to Val from Yarni Gras for the idea!) and some goodies for her two boys. I hope they all enjoy everything and I hope this was a positive first time swap experience for Diana!
Thanks to Jenny, Vicki and Marcel for hosting the swaps and a HUGE Thank You to Simonas and Diana for such wonderful swap packages. You both out did yourselves!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm Running Behind On Everything!
Okay, now that I'm done complaining I'm going to go and sew some more so my lovely swap partners will get there packages only a few days late.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A Halloween Party Hosted by A Fanciful Twist
Next Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion had to walk by a cemetery.
So they kept on going.
They found the jack-o-lanterns and they were shaking with fear by now....

Then a gangster came to the door and told Dorothy they could enter.
and finally,
Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion were at the party!
There was food and games and all there friends were there too!
Chef Shrek had Rat Kaboobs
the other guests were all tangled up in spider webs

Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion had so much fun with at the party, even though the walk there was pretty scary! Make sure you check out the Vanessa's blog and all the other guests Halloween Parties today.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Good Thing
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Pink and Pretty Giveway

I just discovered this blog tonight and you may want to check it out to.....and not just for the giveaway. Sheryn is from Australia and has some beautiful pink things on her blog. It looks like she is very creative and I can't wait to read up more on her blog. Sheryn loves vintage, polka dots and as I said Pink. Enjoy!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Creepy Crafts

Next I made a jar of Pickled People for her. I just added some skeletons to an old jar and a drop of green food coloring and water. I thought it looked pretty cool!
I also made her another family picture and a Witches Cookbook. I found some recipes for some Halloween dishes and printed them off on to some cardstock that I crumpled and tea dyed. It ended up looking pretty cool.
I hope Gin enjoys her package! I had fun making it! Thanks again Val for thinking up such a fun Halloween Swap! Make sure you check out Val's Swap Blog to get some great ideas for Halloween!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
How Well Do You Know Me?....Or Should it Be: How Well Do I Know Myself?

1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. copy the logo and place it on your blog. to the person who nominated you.
4. name seven things about yourself no one would really know.
Okay, first of all, I have a really hard time thinking of things about myself. I consider myself a pretty boring person and I usually blog about whatever is going on in my life already. So I have been thinking about this pretty hard.
Okay, this may surprise some of you. Last Saturday my daughter, Lexie and her friend Amber, took me out for a late birthday "Girls Day Out" and guess what we did???? They took me to get my lip pierced!
I also have my nose pierced. My nose is on the right side and my upper lip is on the left. Earl wasn't thrilled at all with my piercing and neither was my mom. I love it though and it is something that I have wanted to do for a long time now. Thanks Lexie and Amber!!
I would love to write a book someday. A children's book or a funny adult book.
I am not a very social person. I never know what to say and end up talking to much about nothing.
I wish I could dance.
I LOVE westerns!
I got a new pair of glasses a couple of months ago and only had them a month before I LOST them. I can't find them anywhere! Even though they changed my RX I still was taking them off for up close stuff and I don't know where I left them. I have looked everywhere I can think of and still can't find them. Actually, I loose a lot of stuff! So here are 7 things about me that may or may not interest you.
I hate passing on award because I never know who to pass them on to.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Yarni Gra's Witches Cupboard Swap
Val sent me this wonderful "Skelepin" that she crocheted and then embellished. A jar of "Hand-Aids" to help with my multi-tasking. I defenitely can use that!! A "Dementia Spell" came with the jar of marbles since you all know I'm loosing my marbles half the time (unfortunately the jar broke in shipping). Some candy"Dragon Scales" that the kids couldn't wait to get into. The coolest "Soularium" full of glitter and skulls that Val made to hang in the window and capture souls and then some "Dehagification Pills" (candy corn) and we all know that I definitely can use those sometimes. Finally Val put some little "Babylon Candles" in that are each good for one trip to magically get me where I'm going.
and then Val was so sweet to send me these "Troll Peepers" since the jar of marbles broke. Wasn't that nice and such a surprise!! Thanks Val!
Thanks again Val!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Generous Blogger!

Mallory on her 3rd Birthday

Lexie in about 3rd or 4th grade?

So make sure you go check out her lovely giveaways and have fun reading her blog....actually blogs...her blogs have been multiplying lately, but each is just as wonderful as the original!
My DIL made this up using the pictures of my 5 oldest boys. So funny!
All 8 of my kids

My 6 Grandkids

Me, Earl, My daughter-in-laws, son-in-law, kids & grandkids

The Whole Family
Use This Calculator and the Math Problem to Find Your Birthday
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On what day of the week were you born?
Enter your birthday
(then hit the "Update" button):This free script provided by
Well, here I am - this is me, Sherry
Valentines Swap- video made by Graham Neale from Kirkcaldy, Scotland
In Your Eyes-- Only Sadness by Abby Kaplan
Let's Give Each Other a Make Over! Click on Me & I'll Take you There!
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Want to take another quick quiz and find out where your spirit is craving to take you?
My spirit is craving to take me here - a quiet tranquil place!

I would love to get away and just find me. Find my artistic side and just be able to let my spirit go!
Personality Test
You Are 9: The Peacemaker |
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