I am going to be 46 years old tomorrow. Time has gone by so fast and I feel like I haven't accomplished very much in my life. Is this what they call mid-life crisis?? I do have a wonderful partner and eight absolutely amazing children. I have 4 grandkids and two more due anyday now. I have accomplished having a great family which is extremely important, but I need to do some stuff for me. I have so many things I want to accomplish and I just keep putting them off. If anyone has ever read Terri Hatcher's book, "Burnt Toast", that is the kind of person I am. I almost always take whatever is burnt or damaged. I usually always buy the cheapest clothes I can find for myself, etc..... I have some things I have been wanting to do now for several years and just keep putting them off but I think I should start doing them before I get any older.
1. Loose weight--I never weighed over 100lbs. until I had my 4th son, then I got up to 112lbs. I gained a little bit more weight before the 5th baby, but after I had her I got back down to 95lbs. I stayed that way for a few years and then
gained about 20lbs. After the last 3 babies I have gained an enourmous amount of weight. I can't believe how fat I am. I am so ashamed of myself for the way I look. So my first goal is to loose weight and with that I have to start excercising which should help me to feel better too!
2. Get more organized--I have never been a real organized person. I have gotten better as I get older, but I am still not quite there.
3. Finish the projects that I start--I have this problem of getting excited and starting a project and then not finishing them. I always have several projects going on at once, which is okay because I tend to get bored if I am just working on one thing, but I need to finish what I start!
4. Tell people that I love them--I need to let people know how much I appreciate them -- I, like everyone else, take it for granted that the people I love will always be around. Guess what? They won't be here forever. I really need to let them know how much I love them and appreciate them while they are still here. My dad's recent diagnosis of cancer made me really realize this.
5. Work on my relationships--Earl and I get along okay but I really want to work on having a better and closer relationship with him. I also want to spend more quality time with my kids and grandkids. I love them so much but I tend to get busy or preoccupied and don't spend the time with them that I should.
Well, I guess this is enough to start with. Wish me luck! I have a follow through problem so I really hope I can accomplish these things. Okay, I have to go run some errands and spend time with my baby.
Thanks for listening!